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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

You Are a Christian - No Need to Apologize


    If you are a Christian, there is no need to apologize. Stand tall as you bow to serve. Serve with love and the full armor of God within you. Remember: it is not about hating groups or people, it is not about physically overcoming foes, it is not about having material wealth, it is not about looks, it is not about peer groups, it is not about strong leadership, it is not about your past...

    Remember: it is about God and serving, it is about strength from weakness, it is about the Word of God fending off evil, It is about loving those who do not deserve it, it is about spiritual wealth, it is about the beauty of your soul, it is about the Christian community, it is about God giving you spiritual gifts, it is about the new you...
   These ideas may sound peculiar in today's world, but no more so than in the world Jesus came into and preached. There is never a time not to gospelize love, tenderness, forgiveness, a new self...
   Never apologize for trying to bring love and forgiveness into this cruel world, so anti-Christ in feel and appearance. Those needing and seeking the love and forgiveness you declare will not want an apology. They will want the "Good News." Love you all and forgive you all!



Friday, June 17, 2022

To Today's Americans

      Never in God's world history has there been an army more benevolent than the United States Armed Forces. A more gracious and caring military could not be imagined and still be an effective fighting force. We take extreme care in attacking targets in battle to avoid civilian and non-combatant casualties. During my tour in the Vietnam War, I spent most of my time seeing to the needs of the local communities that we encountered. This is the result of a military with Judeo-Christian backgrounds and ethics.

     What many people in other countries fail to realize is that this benevolence is not a sign of softness or timidity. In a moment, this military can, by the grace of God, transform into hardened warriors that will not be denied or turned back. One of my favorite wartime quotes from an American came from American Marine General Oliver Smith to an embedded reporter concerning the Marines moving back down the Korean peninsula while under formidable and constant attacks by the Chinese on the surrounding mountains. 

     The UN forces had driven the North Korean Army across the border into China when the U.S. Army 7th Infantry was attacked at Chosin Reservoir. The survivors were driven back into the Marine perimeter next to them. Thus commenced one of the most famous withdrawals of American troops in our history. The Marines and remnants of the Army Infantry Unit consisting of a combined total of 10,000 men fought off 120,000 Chinese infantry that had encircled them. The 1st Marine Division, commanded by General Oliver Smith, in an orderly manner, turned the division and began the perilous fighting movement southward to Hungnam Port for extrication by the U.S. Navy. 

     General Smith was asked just prior to the beginning of the southeast movement, "General, why are your Marines retreating?" 

     His reply became Marine Corps legend. "Retreat Hell! We're just attacking in another direction!" As American as General McAuliffe's reply when asked to surrender by the Germans in World War I
I, "Surrender? Nuts!

     We Americans have been blessed by God with being just as stubborn and combative as his chosen, the Jewish people. Let's honor our God by fighting to preserve this heritage. By honoring our flag, you are also honoring our God. Love you all!

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Praying on Our Terms or God's?


     We pray to our Lord. The prayer seemingly goes unanswered. You had an exact timetable in mind.  You are dejected. Our faith suffers. We stop telling the Lord our innermost thoughts and feelings. 

     We ask God for help, then expect Him to give that help exactly as we think it should be given, and on our personal timetable. God has been here from day one. He is our Creator. He is our Father. Pray then let Him handle it on his timetable. We need to remember that a prayer for material wealth or non-necessities may go in God's file 13 - dead file. If we just talk to Him when we need something, well, He doesn't know you. He wants a relationship with us. Get to know Him. He is an interesting God, and the only God. He holds the record for largest and most astounding creation ever. God loves us. Try leaning on Him as He wants us to do. He will give you anything you desire as long as it is good for you. You know, He has given me things that weren't good for me occasionally to demonstrate to me just how wrong my thinking was. 

     Walk in the light. Love you all!

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Traveling - God's Gift


     Have spent some time traveling to the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter in Kentucky. Visited la Grange, Kentucky, where railroad tracks right down main street through the middle of town. As many as 30 trains per day shut main street down. Next we traveled to Nashville where we rode tour buses and walked miles every day. 

     I took this trip accompanied by my wife and two oldest granddaughters. Part of the journey was handing out business cards and talking with people about my new novel. People at the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter listened to me and my granddaughters courteously. It was impressive and awe-inspiring to be surrounded by so many people of our Christian faith. What a breathtaking presentation and facility at the Creation Museum. The Ark Encounter - what can I say? To see Biblical words come to life before your eyes! You must see it to gain the full effect and emotion. For our God, nothing is impossible. When he tells us to do something, there are no closed doors nor unbreachable obstacles before you.

Ukraine, Europe, Russia, and China - my Thoughts

  My home, Oklahoma City and the State Capitol Building and Oil Wells on the boulevard leading up to the Capitol Building        After wat...