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Tuesday, March 26, 2024



Are you ready?



All your favorites - The Team is returning!

In the meantime: a few articles, quips, humor, and general thoughts to entertain.

EVERYBODY IS INVITED - Old sinners, young sinners, new sinners, righteous sinners all welcome, but we are all sinners and eying or working on becoming improved in the Lord's ways. Love you all!


Saturday, March 9, 2024

Chapter 20 The Changing of the Guard







Chapter 20

The Changing of the Guard


     Shermake was placed in a medically-induced coma due to the severity of his wounds. The Team sat dutifully by his hospital bed in four-man shifts, with one man always praying.

      Due to administrative duties, I took care of the office until General Iverson arrived and ordered me to the hospital. He took over the admin duties. Mrs. Iverson set up shop at the hospital, organizing the men's needs in food, rest, and clothing changes. In other words, she acted as a mother figure for the entire hospital stay of Shermake, 37 days. Her acts were simple but comforting, and the men ate up that kind of attention.

     An example is when she walked into the hospital room to the sight of blood soaking through Amani's and Mar's bandages as they tended their bedside duties. She dragged the nurses in, bodily. There was no mistaking that she was General Iverson's wife by her take-charge attitude. Most of these men had lost their families, their mothers, and Mrs. Iverson would not let them fend for themselves during this critical time. The men began calling her 'Mama Iverson,' which seemed to further energize her. Remember, she had lost her son, Mark.

     When the day came that the doctors let Shermake wake up, the entire Team was there to await the outcome. His eyes opened very slowly, then he whispered, "God is good."

     Evidently, he wasn't aware of the crowd in the room. Everyone added, "All the time." That startled him. He slowly looked around at the people surrounding his bed, giving them a weak smile, saying, "I thought I had gone to heaven, and the angels had responded."

     Samuel clasped Shermake's hand, being careful to go around all the tubes inserted in it, and recited Psalm 100:5 from his favorite NIV Bible, "For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations." Then Samuel said, "Let us pray." At that, he looked to Artie and nodded his head, telling him, "If you please, Artie."

     Artie didn't hesitate. He said a beautiful prayer. His conversion still sends a shock through all of us that had known him before. Indeed, for God, nothing is impossible.

     The weeks went by, all the wounded recovered slowly and returned to duty. Even Shermake was getting around with ease without his wheelchair. How blessed we are. But, as for me, I felt a spiritual tumor growing inside me. I needed to make a difficult decision, then inform The Team what their future and mine might look like. I called the meeting for the coming Friday afternoon when General Iverson would be there. Leah agreed to the commitment. I told Mrs. Akech that her attendance was mandatory, just as a bountiful collection of her treats was compulsory for the meeting. Artie and Giff called, expressing that they had been insulted by not being invited. I told them that I was calling everyone, not sending invitations. They calmed down with that. Writing and practicing hundreds of different speeches, in the end, throwing them all away in favor of just speaking from my heart.

     Friday afternoon arrived. The lobby was crowded with people munching beside tables filled with Mrs. Akech's delicacies. After each person filled their plates to overflowing, they meandered off to the meeting room. I walked into the kitchen to gather up Mrs. Akech, telling her to drop everything. She turned away and wouldn't look at me nor talk to me. With concern, I asked, "What's wrong, Mrs. Akech? Are there problems at home?"

     Keeping her head turned, she cleared her throat several times, then muttered, "I've known in my heart for a long time what you are going to tell us, Mr. JJ. I see you sitting there in your chair in your office, staring into nothing day after day. I can see a great battle that you are fighting on the inside. The Holy Spirit in me tells me many things about the hearts of other people. All those people in there, you are going to break their hearts, along with mine." At that, she turned to me with her eyes filling with tears.

     I put my arms around her, "Mrs. Akech, you are going to make me cry."

     She and I walked into the meeting room with our own plates filled with heavenly delicacies. Mabior jumped up, pulling a chair out for Mrs. Akech to sit. I set my plate on the table as I took in a deep breath.

     "Thank you all for coming. When Mark and I left the meeting where WCPN handed us this commission to form a team, we were totally clueless about where to start. Many days were spent praying for God's guidance while sequestered in our hotel room. Mark and I were frantic."

     Keeping my voice from cracking was difficult. "One morning, Mark and I decided to go out and find a coffee shop. We just sat there drinking coffee in a little coffee shop in Houston, Texas. Nothing was said. Responsibility lay heavy upon our hearts. Our spirits, along with our egos, were deflated. The excitement of the initial award had been reduced to spiritual pain. That's when Mark began to act as though someone was talking with him. I asked what was going on? He replied, "The Lord just told me to stand up and quit acting like we are dead, for He is the God of the living. Then the voice just said, 'Go!'"

     Samuel gawked at me, then uttered, "Wow! Why have you never told us about this before? I always felt you must have had a visit from God to put his stamp of approval on this holy venture. Continue, Chief."

     "Well, we went back to the hotel room to continue in prayer, but on the way in, we were approached by a man from, of all places, South Sudan, a Dinka as he informed us. He smiled and asked, 'Are you gentlemen struggling with a spiritual matter?'"

     "Both of us literally jumped back at that question. I replied, "Yes, why do you ask?"

     "His reply was, 'Have you given thought to the world's newest nation, South Sudan? The answer to your struggle may lie there, gentlemen.' Then he just walked away, never to be seen again. Our inquires as to his identity were met with negative responses. We never learned who the man was."

     "We rushed to the hotel room and searched for South Sudan on the computer. We spent the next week devouring huge chunks of info on South Sudan. A dossier was developed on the country, its government, political situation, roots in Christianity, and all the Islamic and other dangerous militia groups in North Africa. Mark and I had spent a considerable amount of our military careers in or concerned with North Africa. But we needed to refresh our knowledge and build up our Arab language skills. After going at it seven days a week for several months, it was time to go to South Sudan. We spent the next two months digging into the local Christian community. That digging with praying led us to Yei, South Sudan. For the first time, we sat down at Fred's for coffee. Trying to explain to Fred our mission. He gave us Mabior's name. Fred told us that he was an incredible Christian young man till his family's massacre had sucked the life out of him. You all know the result of that lead and the domino effect created by it to find the rest of you."

     Deng spoke up, "Chief, there is no way one can miss the implication that God has been directly involved in this mission from the beginning."

     General Iverson interrupted, "Gentlemen, there have been several instances of word from God's messengers coming to WCPN members. One only has to look at Samuel to know that God has his divine hands on this mission."

     As the meeting went on for over an hour, I decided it was time to speak my piece, "Team and guests, I have been struggling with a dilemma of late. When I took this commission from WCPN, I was up in years, past my prime. God and you men have taken up the slack that my age naturally creates. You must watch over me daily and make adjustments for the slowness that naturally creeps in as one ages. I fully knew in the beginning, as WCPN knew, that, once The Team gained the ability to function independently of me, I would step down. That time has come."

     The room was dead silent. Mrs. Akech left the room in tears. I couldn't hold the tears back anymore when I saw that everyone else was suffering the same ailment. Samuel stood slowly, asking, "Chief, what will happen to The Team? The world, Christianity needs this unit."

     I interjected with, "Samuel, this is not the end of The Team. The Team's whole is much more than the sum of its parts. All of us are loved, and any one of us being lost would hurt deeply, like Mark and Chan, but none of us are irreplaceable. The Team was designed with that very idea in mind."

     Mabior stood, he raised his hands to calm everyone, then spoke, "Chief, it has been one of the greatest honors of my life to have served under your leadership. You have treated me with nothing but the greatest respect and courtesy. As the first member chosen by Mark and you, I must say that I could never visualize the day when you or Mark would not be here among us. I know that we are capable, there is no question as to that, but capability is nothing without great leadership. Are we to become a rudderless ship?"

     Inhaling another deep breath to stave off tears, I answered his question, "A rudderless ship? Mabior, the U.S. had a president in the late seventies, Jimmy Carter, a faithful Christian. His wife, Rosalynn Carter, was a faithful Christian, also. I used one of her quotes to form my leadership style, 'A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be.'

     Once more, I cleared my throat, "Mabior, you are not just my Executive officer but a loyal and faithful friend. I have watched you grow into leadership. On numerous occasions, you have told me that you love being a Christian Soldier, but you never want to sit idly in an office while your men are out sacrificing their lives. Mabior, as your leader, at this time, I'm afraid that I have to take you where you do not necessarily want to go, but ought to and will go. I, James Jefferson, Commander of The Team, promote you to the position of Commander of The Team, replacing me in my retirement."

     All was silent for a few moments until it was absorbed into their minds. At that moment, the scene escalated into pandemonium mixed with tears for my exit. People pummeled Mabior's body with slaps, hugs, and vigorous handshakes. It took a lot of effort to calm the scene.

     Smiling, I congratulated Mabior, then asked him to speak.

     He rose slowly. I could tell his mind was going all over the place at the moment. Surprisingly he started off by cracking a smile and a joke, "Somebody by the name of Den Heijer, I think it's pronounced, said, and I paraphrase, 'When I talk to generals, I get the feeling that they are important. When I talk to Generals who are leaders, I get the feeling that I am important.'" Everybody had a good laugh at that, especially General Iverson. "I have indeed said what the Chief accuses me of saying and said it often. However, Samuel has taught me by example that I go where God sends me, and I do what God asks me to do, for it is about his will, not mine. Chief, you introduced me to Thomas Sowell, one of the greatest American Philosophers. Mr. Sowell said this about being in charge, 'People who enjoy meetings should not be in charge of anything.' In the same manner, as our Chief, I will attempt to limit meetings. Of course, if Mrs. Akech, bless her heart, continues to create masterpieces such as this laid out before us, I cannot promise anything. Okay, I'm out of words at this point."

     Mabior sucked in a deep breath, "Contrary to what all of you must think, I was totally in the dark about this. However, make no mistake, this is truly a great honor. I shall do my best to live up to any expectations. Thank you. We all will miss you, Chief."

     General Iverson, seeing that as a good spot to introduce his news to The Team. He stood up and pinged his water glass several times with his spoon, "Gentlemen, Commander Mabior and the rest of you men are the most highly vetted men on this earth. You have no worries as to who is your new Commander or who is sitting around you. You are the "creme de la creme. I tell you this because I want you to know that none of you, whether due to illness, injury, or age, will be allowed to be put out to pasture. To prove this point, WCPN, with 100% of the board consenting, has given General James Jefferson a new position; OIC, Officer in Charge, of acquisition. His office will be built in this very compound per his request. He will not be here to spy on the new Commander or any other of your operations other than to lend technical and operational support. Let's welcome our new OIC of Weapons Acquisition." The room exploded with cheers. The General continued, "To replace Mabior as Executive Officer takes a huge man that is tall in experience and his devotion to God. The one man that stands out in this respect is huge in every respect. Mr. Samuel Nathanael Winston, stand up, son."

    General Iverson waited for the applause to subside, then continued, "Congratulations, once again, the vote was 100% in favor of Samuel's promotion." The room erupted in cheers once more.

     General Iverson reached over to shake Samuel's hand. After that, he put on his game face, as we referred to it. "Gentlemen, The Team has a space to fill. I have been given a man's name to consider by Mr. Jefferson. The name was previously unknown to you all, but he has been thoroughly vetted. He comes with astounding references in studies and athletic abilities. His name is Chad Shaw. Mr. Artie Shaw has given me permission to give you info concerning his son and his relationship. Chad is Mr. Shaw's illegitimate son that he has supported and mainly raised in secrecy. Chad has lived with his mother, that never married Mr. Shaw. His Mother and Father made sure that he was raised in the church and well educated, especially in Biblical studies. As to athletic skills, they are solid when you consider that he plays for Arsenal in England. He made it clear that his dream is to be a member of The Team and that he will forfeit his contract if chosen. Next week, Chad Shaw will fly here to be assessed in person by you all. The vote will be taken at that time. Thank you."

     A lot of whispers and aside conversations went on at the news of the recruit. Artie answered all questions with the look of a very proud father.

     Leah stood to address the crowd. She began, "Sam and I think all of you should know a couple of things about us. I was sent here to deliver an official offer in writing from the Director of Mossad. He has invited Sam to become a member of that organization."

     The room was brought again to whispering and aside conversations. I asked for quiet then motioned for Leah to continue.

     "Sam, with my complete support and backing, has turned down this offer that is a great honor for him. He wishes, in his humility, for me to tell you this, 'Here is where God has planted him, and this is where he shall stay until God assigns him elsewhere or he outgrows any usefulness.'  Also, Sam and I wish to announce that we shall marry two months from today in Tel Aviv. Of course, every one of you is ordered to be there or be executed. JJ will serve as best man. One last item - shortly before the wedding, I will resign from Mossad to become a full-time wife and soon, if God is willing, a mother of our children."

     I thanked Leah for the wonderful news and congratulated her and Samuel. After all the life-altering announcements this afternoon, I think everyone was a total wreck. It was then that I noticed Mrs. Akech quietly returning to the room. She made her way over to me. Her comment was, "What a sad and happy day that our Lord has brought to us."

       Yes, the meeting had ended with sadness laced through with new hope. The Team was and is strong. Some organizations with this many strong personalities can self-destruct, but The Team was built with strict codes of reliance on God, His word, His will. Complaining and second-guessing leadership are looked down upon. There is an outlet for complaints or concerns that carry no repercussions. Gossip is forbidden. Respect is demanded of everyone.

     Overall, it was a day of great new beginnings and continued excellence. Upon close examination, I wasn't actually leaving, and the transition to a new Commander and Executive Commander was off to a strong start by promoting from within. Excellence should be expected from an organization devoted to God.

     A week flew by. The CTeam and I stood in a single-line formation to give a warm send-off to The Team. This was their first mission since Mabior had taken command a week ago. Gradually, I had been turning over the control to him for years. The actual transition was smooth.

     The men made their appearance marching toward the waiting C130 in single file. I called the CTeam to attention as they neared, then ordered a  salute. It was all done in a very snappy military manner. I was as proud of the CTeam as I was of The Team. With Mabior in the lead, The Team came alongside us and stopped. Mabior fell out of formation to come over and give me a big hug. Then, Everyone broke formation to give me a tearful hug. I had promised myself that I would not get emotional. Right.

     After hugs, they surrounded me, and all began to chant, "For God, for God, for God," quietly at first, rising slowly to a crescendo. The CTeam and I joined in. It was emotional.

     Finally, Mabior called out, "On the plane! Remember, he ain't going nowhere. He'll be here when we return. The Chief's got that cushy job that's going to make him very fat, very soon." The laughs resounded.

     As the ramp closed and the four mighty motors fired off one by one, we backed away to the fence. The sound of the plane's engines increased dramatically as it began a slow taxi to the takeoff point. Soon, exhaust billowed as the pilot brought the motors to full rev with brakes on. As he released the brakes, the pilot guided the plane on what began as a slow lumber down the runway. Its speed picked up quickly, then the dark-green bird lifted powerfully into the air. The wheels were sucked up into its belly as it climbed at a steep angle skyward. Just as we began to turn and leave, someone shouted, "They're coming back!" Sure enough, the pilot gracefully leveled the plane, then flew a wide-sweeping circle back, making a very low-altitude pass directly over us with wings waving adieu. All of us returned the wave enthusiastically. Standing there like a contingent of plane-spotters, we watched till it faded south into the early morning sky.

     As we watched the plane disappear, I recalled the last words I spoke to The Team over dinner the previous evening, "Don't you understand? It's not just Samuel. When I found you, you were all short in height, helpless, and beaten down by life. However, every one of you was tall in courage. Not one of you refused our offer, filled with brutal expectations and danger. It has been my honor to lead you."

     Having ignored my phone's vibrating for some time, I needed to answer, "Hello. Morning General Iverson, how are you? How many hostages? Well, The Team just lifted off for Nigeria. I know that you know that, sir. Do what? The CTeam are mostly kids! I know there are six or seven that look like adults. Samuel told you that? Well, yes, they are highly trained, but..."



Actually, it's only the end of the beginning. See you later.



Saturday, March 2, 2024



Chapter 19

Footprints Equal Trouble

 The youthful but brilliant CTeam has a clever insight, "Why didn't they use the bridge?"


     Ambling toward Fred's, I was somewhat enjoying the sultry and still early-morning air. That was until Mabior and Samuel pulled up beside me in one of our R&Rs, Range Rovers. The passenger window came down with Samuel motioning me to get in the back. Dutifully, I hopped in. The two serious-looking messengers turned to me in sync. Mabior opened with, "Chief, we may have a problem. On our weekly hike yesterday, with the CTeam, Kafeel and Ismail spotted something that we need you to have a look-see."

     I let the two know that I do nothing till I have a lifter. We temporarily downgraded the urgency of the Mission to drive to Fred's. Now, that takes training.

    After grabbing three coffees, we flew across the rough Yei roads toward our rendezvous. Tongues and mouths were burned almost continuously by stupidly drinking hot coffee on a moonscaped road. We pulled off the main road onto a rougher road about six miles out of town for a quarter-mile. Soon, we drove up behind another R&R and parked behind it. The other R&R was the Twin's vehicle. They were scouting in the brush beside the main road that ran parallel to our route from this point for several hundred yards.

       I exited the R&R and followed Mabior and Samuel to a stream between the two roads. As we neared the stream's bank, Mabior and Samuel began pointing to footprints in the muddy soil that led up to the bank, then down and across the shallow stream. Mabior showed me a rifle shell that he had found smashed into the mud under the footprints. I recognized it immediately as a 7.62 x 39 round usually accompanying an AK 47. We slid down the stream bank to ford the shallows, then climbed the other side.

     As we gained the top of the opposite side, Mabior pointed to a wooden footbridge in good shape just a hundred feet or so to the left of us. He asked the obvious question, "Why are a large group of people, adults by the size of the sandal and boot prints, not using that perfectly good footbridge over there? Why go up and down this treacherous embankment?"

     "I couldn't agree more. What else you got for me?"

     Mabior motioned to Samuel to give his info. "Chief, I found this in those bushes there. By the looks, someone has worked the bush to form a camo-parking area for vehicles. Tracks are all over it. Heavy tracks like pickup loaded down with men. Here, read it. It's in Arabic."

     Unfolding the paper, I read, "St. Mark Sunday 4 kilos basement cell phone primer. Oh, my. This looks like a shopping list. That's enough C4 to take down an entire building."

     Mabior commented, "St. Mark is the orphanage in Yei," with a disturbed look. "Is this group planning to bring down that orphanage on Sunday?"

     Scanning the main road, I mumbled, "Guess you already have the twins busy." Turning to Mabior and Samuel, I stated the obvious, "Boys, looks like we've got a fight on our hands. You two contact the rest of The Team while I contact General Chuol at South Sudan Army HQ. The General's units are fully committed to a problem in the far northwestern area if I'm not mistaken. Tell The Team to activate Level One for an imminent attack by what appears to be Al Qaeda. Tell Alek and Diemba that we'll use the heavies."

     Samuel let me know that he had already begun planning an ambush with Amani and Mabior. Things went from a slow refreshing morning to total mania. We drove back to the compound to let me retrieve an SUV to drive to St. Mark. In this situation with all the children, I would have to exercise an abundance of caution. On the way to St. Mark, I phoned General Chuol to inform him of the situation and plan. I needed authority to act on behalf of South Sudan in a military capacity. After that, I would need to coordinate with General Iverson.

     Over the years, trust and a good working relationship had been built with South Sudan's Government and Military. General Chuol rubber-stamped my authority. General Iverson made it short and sweet, "Just tell me what you need, and I'll have it to you at the fastest speed possible."

     A call from Artie and Giff made my day. Artie said they were on assignment in Tripoli and are catching a flight in three hours for Yei. He let me know, "JJ, The Team ain't fighting that outfit without Giff and me. Mossad looked into their intel when they found out about your threat with the Saudi AQ signature all over it. These are the real-deal AQ. They're sporting experienced fighters from Turkmenistan and Afghanistan, the real bad boys. We'll be there in time for any action tonight. This AQ group knows South Sudan has its army tied up on ops. They need to learn the lesson not to discount The Team. We'll gladly help you teach it to them."

     No sooner had I finished speaking with Artie and Giff than Leah phoned, "JJ, Unit 262 of Sayeret Matkal are on standby. Just text these numbers and letters to this number. I don't know if you are aware, but the same AQ group is responsible for the beheading of seven Israeli citizens vacationing in Eritrea. Make Sam wear his vest. You know how he complains that it restricts his movements and is too hot. God Bless."

     Time restrictions made me decide to do the final planning on-site as we set up. I gave orders to load the gear and expedite movement to the expected POC. Arriving there in a long convoy, we set up our main body about a hundred yards west of the discovered area.

      As we unloaded, Shermake approached me with a request, "Chief, I would like to request to be out front on point for this fight. The group we are going to go up against is Shabab AQ. They are the group that massacred my family in Somalia."

     Staring at Shermake, I put my hands on his shoulders while explaining, "We'll do what is best for The Team, and we'll do what God asks us to do. If that means putting you on point, then no problem. Remember, revenge is God's. I don't know if you have ever heard of the American General Patton of World War II fame. He said, 'A soldier doesn't win wars dying in battle for their country. He wins wars by making the enemy soldiers die for their country.'"

     He smiled at me, replying, "Chief, you are a great leader. Thank you for reminding me that it is about God, not me. I will serve where I am most needed. And I will make Shabab die for their violence against mankind if that is what God desires."

     After Shermake walked away, Samuel grabbed me and took me to the side to tell me in private, "Chief, I had a dream last night that Shermake is going to be lifted up by God tonight."

     My eyes shot wide open, "Samuel, is Shermake going to die?"

     Smiling, Samuel restated his comment with, "Chief, I should have included that God is going to exalt him before his enemies for His glory tonight. Shermake has already done great things for our Lord, but tonight the Lord will make Shermake His vehicle for justice."

     "Samuel, you never cease to amaze me. You are always bringing a new emphasis on a personal relationship with our Lord."

     Strange that I hadn't noticed before the many locals gathering around. They appeared to be helping carry items to their setup points, clearing brush to give clear lines of fire for our machine gun, and handing out water in the stifling tropical heat and humidity. One old man approached, telling me, "Mr. Jefferson, it is an honor for the citizens here to serve The Team that has done so much for our community. We will be here, even fighting to give your men support. Some of us have seen this group over the past few nights. We knew they were up to no good, but we could only keep our eyes on them. We attempted to make the authorities aware of these bad-looking men, but they ignored us as ignorant people."

     Thanking the man graciously, I told him that we would be grateful for any help the citizens could offer. The spirit in this country was growing to the point that they were willing to take risks themselves instead of letting foreigners make all the sacrifices for them. This self-governing experiment will eventually fail if the people do not stand up and fight for their country.

     The Team settled into their assigned positions. Artie and Giff had arrived like the fireballs they are, roaring to everyone around about position prep, reminding them about the extreme dangers they were about to encounter. At one point, Artie stopped prep and went on one of his tirades shouting at the top of his voice, "Listen up! You lads have a decision to make. Ask yourself, Do you want to die tonight, or do you want to eat victory breakfast tomorrow morning with this charming bloke? Dig those foxholes deeper, clean those weapons again, and sharpen those knives. Alek and Diemba, are those mortars sighted in properly? You see this old local here beside me? Well, he is working harder than anyone else here. He told me personally that he can outwork any of you young slugs. Either take this seriously or just shoot yourself in the head right now, and get it over with. God didn't give you a brain so you could sleep better! Use it! Dear Lord, you told me they were young, but you didn't tell me they acted like little girls. Get your skirts off and pants on, men. If you ain't a man yet, tonight will take care of that. I've got only three hours to do what life couldn't do for you in all your prior years - make a man out of you! Now, everyone on the ground, you local helpers, too. Sammy, give us a prayer like you never prayed before, son."

     The old man that spoke to me earlier came up to me saying, "Mr. Artie is tough, but he knows how to get these young men home alive. I like him."

     Observing the men hit the ground for prayers, I told the old man, "I respect him, too."

     Dusk began to fill in the landscape with shadows that increased the concealment of the camouflaged men. I was away from the action, maybe a hundred yards, with several locals to act as runners if need be during the coming action. My job was to oversee and coordinate resources and commit those resources for the best tactical advantage.

    This fight would take place on home ground with strong local support. A phone call informed me of the St. Mark Orphanage evacuation being completed. Further down the road, the Yei Police set up a substantial roadblock if AQ bypassed this spot. We could react to that location quickly if need be. Once the AQ convoy had passed a pre-planned point down the road in the opposite direction, another Yei Police roadblock would be set up.

     Hours crept by. Several miles down the road, The CTeam had a part in the action as the early-warning system. Kafeel called shortly after midnight to tell me nine assorted vehicles had passed in convoy toward our position. Maybe 36 armed militants. I sent the fleet-footed runners around to the positions they had memorized in the daylight to let everyone know action imminent. Ali and Kuol would initiate the hostilities from their forward observer post near the AQ parking lot in the bush. Until then, we waited.

     The noise of many motors could be heard from my position. All the runners were back after making their contacts. Nerves explode, knowing the enemy is right there but not receiving the signal to open fire.

     The double report of Ali's and Thon's Scars grenade launchers firing then exploding opened the skirmish. Our line erupted in firepower. Mortars poured down on the parking area while grenade launchers and scars on fully automatic opened up. Alek could be heard on the machine gun sweeping the parking lot. This went on for five minutes as planned. At that time, judging the situation right, I ordered the advance. Wearing our night-vision goggles, we took out targets as opportunities arose.

     I heard the distinctive sound of the AK 47s increasing fire. Someone in the enemy camp was still able to respond to our attack. We had expected this, but still, it concerned me. Our firing increased. I called Artie to get an update. Artie's response was short and sweet, "We've had good progress, but one area of several men is holding us back till we register some mortar rounds onto them. They are putting up a very effective, well-placed fire. We've had two men hit, nothing life-threatening. Hold on, will get back to you."

     I couldn't see it, but the brisk fire from AQ had set off Shermake during his advance on the hold-outs. He launched a single man attack running from one bush to another, zigzagging, and throwing himself to the ground. The Team was laying in a withering protective fire for Shermake, but the AQ men were still returning fire. I was told that you could see the dirt flying into the air around Shermake as he weaved toward the hold-outs. The AQ boys blindly threw several hand grenades into Shermake's path but didn't slow his attack.

     The firing from our side stopped to keep from hitting Shermake. As he reached the vehicle protecting the AQ men, he launched his body up and over it, landing on the other side and out of sight. The Team advanced at a run toward the vehicle.

     Shots rang out behind the vehicle. Shermake could be seen to stand up at one point as he grappled with one of the men. As the two went at it hand-to-hand, he drove his knife into the man's midsection, then used the man's body to absorb an AK bullet fired at him. At that, he let the body fall, then quick-drew his 357 shooting the remainder of the men dead.

    Mabior and Artie were the first on the scene. They observed seven dead AQ boys lying in various death positions. Mabior grabbed Shermake, asking, "You okay, Brother?"

     Artie shouted at Shermake, "You blasted fool! I've never seen anything like it. Three cheers, Mate!"

     Mabior held him tightly as Shermake lost consciousness. He had been wounded several times in various places. Frantically Mabior signaled the Medics and emergency vehicles, such as they were, to enter the area.

     Jumping in my R&R, I drove to the middle of the battle scene. I found the men revved up. They were pumped by the combat and the ensuing victory. Samuel worked on Shermake as others bandaged the wounded, Mar and Amani. The rest were carefully inspecting the area for live combatants. Walking up to Mabior, I was given a replay of Shermake's attack as something out of a John Wayne movie."

     I asked him, "Do you realize what The Team just did?"

     Mabior gave me a half-confused look, saying, "Yeah, we just destroyed this AQ Unit."

     I slapped Mabior hard on the back, shouting, "We just totally destroyed the fiercest terrorist group in Africa, maybe the world. We set up an ambush that wiped out and set AQ back years in Africa with a mere few hours of prep. When the news gets out to these other militias, it will instill a fear that will not easily be erased. They will jump at shadows, and their hearts will leap with anticipation and fear whenever they hear the wind rustle the leaves on the trees in the night, thinking it may be us out there stalking them. God has brought his mighty hand against AQ on this night. We need to give thanks for our deliverance."

     With a solemn look, Mabior said, "Chief, I never once felt hate while reigning down destruction on these AQ men. I felt it was necessary for the wellbeing of God's faithful, but not as a vengeful act."

     I replied, "That's as it should be for a Christian."

     I moved on, thanking the men and locals for their courage and actions under fire. Except for Shermake, the local civilian Medics informed me that the wounded would recover fully. As I came upon Samuel in the headlights of the emergency vehicle loading Shermake onto a stretcher, he smiled and gave me a thumbs up. "He's critical. We'll just have to wait and see.

     After loading and seeing off the ambulance, Samuel turned to me, saying, "Chief, you need to keep in mind that you could not have prevented what Shermake did tonight. God pre-ordained his actions. This was God's way of putting an end to his internal torment. God brought down his judgment on them, and Shermake was the vehicle that delivered that judgment to the seven men around him. Mabior asked me to round up the men for the prayer. Let's put all this at God's feet."

     "Samuel, I'm not upset. I'm just thankful to God that Shermake is on our side after seeing him in action. I agree. Let's put it at God's feet."

     And we did.


Shermake's life once again hung in the balance between life and death.


Ukraine, Europe, Russia, and China - my Thoughts

  My home, Oklahoma City and the State Capitol Building and Oil Wells on the boulevard leading up to the Capitol Building        After wat...