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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Ukraine, Europe, Russia, and China - my Thoughts


My home, Oklahoma City and the State Capitol Building and Oil Wells on the boulevard leading up to the Capitol Building


     After watching the press conference with President Trump, VP Vance, and President Zelenski of Ukraine, I have some thoughts about our alliances. I'm sure President Trump will once again be accused of being vulgar and uncultured by the mainstream media, Democrats, and European leaders.

     Ukraine, the Breadbasket of Russia, in 2014 the government of Ukraine was overthrown: The Revolution of dignity or The Maidan Revolution. This transpired due to their President Viktor Yanukovych refusing to sign a political association and free trade agreement with the EU, European Union. Instead, he chose closer ties with Russia. Simple enough, except the CIA was behind the revolution that followed.

     Why would the CIA get involved? The thinking at the CIA and other European Intel agencies was that Russia had to be defeated. Their intel agencies had been directed for almost 50 years at the former Communist Soviet Union. Their game plans had all been geared at taking down a horrible world nuclear menace. After the fall of the Soviet Iron Curtain in 1991, they never changed their focus, their plans. Well, not much. They are bureaucrats, and bureaucrats are not very malleable. It would be so much work to redo all those plans and re-aim all those missiles. It was like Hitler telling his bureaucrats in the middle of WW II that the Jews weren't monsters after all, and they'd need to find a new monster and make new plans.

     Okay, they want to defeat Russia - how? The how solution was starting and backing a revolution in Ukraine when the right occasion came along, and that occasion came along in 2014. NATO's thinking behind this manufactured revolt and war: the Eastern Europeans would be much more accepting of the mass casualties of a war with Russia than the U.S. and European countries. The problem of the weapons disparity would be solved by the NATO countries supplying advanced weapons to Ukraine. Even Trump played along in his first term.

     After the Zelenski - Trump Presser debacle on February 28, 2025, it got me to thinking about alliances. Now, here is the result, and possibly the Trump Cabinet's thinking, too.

     Europe with the loss of their colonies and their globalist approach are poor and virtually a shell of their once-upon-a-time powerful selves. As allies, they are demanding and contribute little to the game. The U.S. basically pays most of the bill and supplies most of the bodies for their defense. So what's a better solution to the rising world crisis of war, war, war?

     China, Russia, and the U.S. are the three countries with the most powerful militaries. China and Russia are allied against the U.S. currently, but there are rifts developing in the China-Russia alliance.

     Russia has the more western qualities and history of the two. Also, Russia is a Christian country. The more the parties attempting an alliance have in common the easier the process and the more solid the future.

     What does Russia have to offer? Russia is deep in fossil fuel reserves and mineral wealth. However, most of it is under-developed and unorganized. The U.S. has the talent, technology, and organizational skills to develop Russia's resources. Russia borders China, and she fears a rising and aggressive China military. Add to that the issues with their treaties currently are on the rise. North Korea, a wild card deluxe, is influenced and has a history of cooperation with Russia, and her ties with China are at their weakest point ever. With Russia in our sphere of influence, North Korea may be a volatile addition. She and China are definitely having issues. With North Korea's addition, we would have China basically hemmed in with South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Indo China, and Taiwan already in our sphere of influence.

     The U.S. and Russia as allies? Why not. European alliances, NATO, that's like doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome. What if we allowed Ukraine to defeat Russia, supplied billions upon billions more and who knows what kind of additional weapons to them, a rogue country already? The enormous nuclear stockpile and conventional weapons stockpiles in a defeated Russia and in the wrong hands is terrifying. I do not wish to add to the fears the world faced as Russia collapsed in the 90s about their nuclear stockpiles and even today haunts us as to who has stolen what and sold to whom.

     One last point, Ukraine borders Russia. Remember the near nuclear war with Russia we had in the 60s when they put missiles in Cuba?  Remember the Monroe Doctrine? You seriously don't expect a reaction out of Russia with NATO supplying all manner of weapons to Ukraine? Just like in Israel's situation, I think Russia is justifiably concerned about NATO supplying weapons and billions of dollars to support the Ukraine war effort.

     I was a big supporter of Ukraine in the beginning, but we need to really break down what the facts are. Intel agencies are masterly at directing our thoughts in a desired direction. You need to do your own investigation and come to your own conclusions. I cannot say that I have all the facts and have it all down to a science. Maybe my thoughts are being directed. I know I have followed a seemingly directed path on several occasions. Pray - pray for God's wisdom and clarity on the matter. Pray for our leaders to follow God's will, not theirs. Love you all and pray for peace.



Ukraine, Europe, Russia, and China - my Thoughts

  My home, Oklahoma City and the State Capitol Building and Oil Wells on the boulevard leading up to the Capitol Building        After wat...