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Thursday, July 29, 2021

The Writing Process Continues...




      Following lengthy travels to New Orleans and Maryland., I have resumed work on my newest book. Re-editing is a large part of the life of a writer. I have completed chapter seven, re-edited every chapter up that point, and am giving out the first seven chapters to a select age group to read for interest and holding interest factors - very important. My oldest son and his wife are with an intelligence operation. He gave me a hard look before reading the chapters. But he had lumped it into the everyday secret org and spy novel. This book is out of that ho-hum category. He is a "just the facts" person, outwardly. Once he reads the preview chapters, he will change his view. Normally, my best writing is done from mid-morning to around 7 or 8pm. When I write, my wife has to remind me to take breaks, or I would go on forever, it seems. I love to write. I began writing as soon as I learned the basics around eight years of age. Before that time, I sat under the streetlight during calm summer nights telling stories that I made up. The other neighborhood kids seem to enjoy them. Back to work. Until next time, God bless you all. I heard someone in church say, "We really need God's blessings during this difficult time." I thought, "Brother, we need God's blessings at all times."






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