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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Self Promotion

     Self promotion is difficult for me. In my thinking, it is anti-Christian, but a necessary evil to promote my writings and books that are written strictly for the glorification of our Lord. Forgive me, but I must do these narcissistic things for promotion. I am humbled by God's inspiration for my writing. He guides me in my thinking and actions. In my high spirits, I at times will perform actions and say things that are counter to my Christian beliefs, but those are the exceptions and not the rule in my life. Please, spare me the cancelling ridicule when I do such stupid things, and forgive the sinful remains of my former self. Remember, I self promote for the glory of our Lord, not for me. Thank you.

     Now, to the book, SHORT IN HEIGHT, TALL IN COURAGE. This book is different than anything that I have written prior to this. As I began work on the second half of the book, yesterday, I have no doubts about it becoming a complete novel. It creates the gasps, education, laughter, sadness, cheering, and seriousness that I prayed for. In beginning chapter 11, I tell you that I have lost none of my enthusiasm, experienced no blocks, and have not put to the trash bin any previous chapters, other than minor editing. Editing is a constant item. I re-read chapters and paragraphs daily, while making corrections or additions to match with previous acts, for additional emphasis, or new insertions. In my estimation, this book has all the outward signs of God's inspiration and direction in the writing. I'm not implying that I'm chosen in God's eyes. I'm saying that I ask for God's inspiration, guidance, and wisdom daily in my writing. I have others that are reading the book as I go. I listen to their words. Staying true to our Lord is of the utmost importance. When God's inspiration stops, I shall stop. God's Blessings to all of you. 

   Are you a man if you cannot get on your knees for God?




  1. I have had the privilege of reading the first few chapters of Jim's book . Most of the military jargon goes right over my head, but that doesn't seem to matter. The story has had me laughing and brought tears to my eyes. That works for me! Can't wait to read more!

  2. Thank you, that is my intention to draw emotion.


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