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Monday, March 21, 2022

Lukewarm Christian?

     In my experience, there are four main categories of Christians: Serious, Bookshelf, Checkbox, and Tourist. The Serious Christian leans on our Lord and faith in Him. Bookshelf Christians go to church on Sunday then go home, put Jesus on the bookshelf until next Sunday, and never think about their duties, much less practice them. Many times they sit in the back pew fearing someone asking them to join or serve. Checkbox Christians, I used to be one of these, on job apps or forms requiring religious affiliations they check the Christian box, but do not attend a church and know little about the word. The Tourist Christian goes to church on Christmas and Easter then looks around commenting, "Isn't this beautiful, wonder how much they spent on this?"  

     As I stated, I used to be a checkbox Christian. I am not making humor, but hoping to inform people that God is patient and waits however long it takes to give them their gift of eternal life that excites him to no end. All He asks is to have faith and make a decent attempt at bringing him a disciple or two. Once you get to know our Lord by reading his word, you will understand that he will give you all the words, strength, and courage you need to gather those disciples with his Good News

     Sadly, many think it is too easy to gain eternal life, but it is no joke or sinister plan to lure you into a cult. Steeped in the word of our Lord, we will recognize when someone is luring us the wrong way. In prayer, God will let you know who is and who is not. Love you all!


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