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Thursday, April 28, 2022

Toss the Word Luck Out the Door!



 This is a story that I wrote long ago about luck versus God's steadfastness.

   I am trying to eradicate the words luck and lucky from my vocabulary. God does not toss a coin to see who gets anointed with the good and who gets whacked with the bad of life. As you know, our Lord told us the rain falls on the good as well as the unrepentant. You can bring all the apples to our blessed Teacher that you want, but more than likely, the closer you get to mirroring Him in action and thought the heavier the burden you'll be asked to carry. There is no luck - there is only God. I would suggest that whiners and complainers might want to work on their suffer-in-silence characteristics. We must learn to quit describing ourselves as unlucky whenever our prayers are not answered in the self-serving manner in which we sometimes approach praying. Even Einstein admitted that God doesn't play dice with the universe. It's not luck my friends - it's God's will and mercy.

     Prior to the American Civil War, circa 1856, a lucky black-slave in the deep south was in the process of being beaten mercilessly by his master's overseer. He was guilty of stealing leftover scraps of food from the plantation owner's kitchen to supplement his family's meager daily allotment, it was assumed. Each time the knots on the end of the leather attached to the whip found its target against the man's back, it tore large and deep chunks of flesh and forced the man's lungs to let out an involuntary "humph." Added to that ghastly sound, each time the whip made the tortuous connection, the man yelled out a very labored, "Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for choosing me to carry this tiny load. Thank you, Jesus.

     Remarkably and unknown to the sadist overseer and plantation owner, even though the slave's family could surely have used an increase in their daily starvation-level food-allowance, the food was actually going toward feeding a poor white-trash tenant farmer and his family. The farmer had contracted small pox and was unable to work his small subsistence-level acreage of land worn out by the plantation owner's non-rotation of cotton crops. That's all that is known from a mention in a diary of unknown authorship found after the war. That slave knew he wasn't beaten due bad luck. He was chosen with certainty to be beaten in order to have an opportunity to be a glory to God by his joyful words delivered under such painful duress.

     I don't know what real sacrifice or service is. It is embarrassing at times when I realize just how safe, secure, and pampered I live. But I do know what persecution is. And I am not persecuted my political Christian friends.

     Jesus tricked us all. It's not luck that If you love, and that love should include even your enemies, you cannot resist serving those whom you love especially when they are suffering. And that suffering isn't necessarily related to hunger. What was it our Lord Jesus said? Something about man doesn't live by bread alone. What a sly fox is our loving Lord. I'm not lucky. God does not answer my prayers randomly. I am thankful to live in the certainty of God rather than depend on random luck.

    Love you all!  Praise his holy name.



Saturday, April 23, 2022

Short in Height, Tall in Courage - update

This new Christian novel is about true Christian soldiers; devoted to God. If you want to see how genuine soldiers of faith act when confronted by situations that complicate the demands of our Christian faith, you will want to read this book of multi-nationals in the country of South Sudan, where the powerful faiths of Islam and Christianity confront one another almost daily. In most countries, we go about our business without worrying about being physically attacked for our beliefs. Rarely are we confronted by our faith to make difficult decisions of loving our deadly enemies. Sometimes, God's answer, though painful, is to just do it and leave the judgement and clean-up to Him. Lean on our Lord for and in 'ALL' things. Love you all!

The manuscript is out to publishers for decisions. I need your prayers.

Friday, April 15, 2022

The Most Important time of the Year - Easter


     You can never exaggerate nor overestimate the importance of that empty tomb. The meaning is this: Jesus conquered death, and for his faithful, they will inherit his eternal life. What more should one need to say to those considering following his path?

Friday, April 8, 2022



     Sin in Hebrew is "hata" meaning to go astray. The farther we stray from the narrow godly path, the farther we are from God. The Hebrew word for love is hesed. Theologian John Oswalt said hesed is "...a completely undeserved kindness and generosity". The Hebrew word for grace is khen. When I took the  time to really think about and consider the word grace or khen, I went into an area of God that I have taken for granted all my Christian life. Grace means that you are kind, courteous, and forgiving. It is astounding to know that the God who created all and is, was, and forever shall be offers us his undeserved grace. I thought a celebrity going out of his way to shake my hand was gracious, but God? I'm amazed that God sees me as a treasure in spite of my behavior. These thoughts will put you to your knees when it really hits you with its deep and life-changing meaning.

     Words - words are transporters of our thoughts, visions, and memories. John1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." God gave us the capability to think, but thinking without communication, where does that leave us? He gave us a way to transmit our thinking, and that took us to the next objective, learning.  Learning gives us the ability to know God and to be capable of learning his truth, his desires, his ways, his love. The Word, Jesus brought us the living Word. So simple, so powerful.

     I take my ability to write very seriously, and that is why I could see no other path than to write for God. Writing for God is an honor, a blessing. I fall short of God's word in my writing, but I feel people must know the gracious God that has allowed me to know everything I am capable of understanding about Him. Communication with God, Himself. I am humbled.



Monday, April 4, 2022

Did You Ever?

      Did you ever go to church, sit there, go home, and the message never affected your life or day even? Did you ever check the little box on an info sheet asking what is your religious preference as Christian even though you never go to church or rely on God? Did you ever study the Bible because you want to arm your faith with the Word? Did you ever lean heavily on God with faith to gain his assurance of getting you through a tough situation? 

     No? Well stop calling yourself a Christian or get on the right path and care, develop your faith, study the word to armor your faith with the Word, and start looking and acting like a living, loving example of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

     If I offended you or hurt your feelings, good. However, that doesn't mean I don't love you. I want to save your life! I want to help direct you toward our Lord that is going to change your life for the better. You serve him with faith and give your life to him and you won't recognize yourself next year at this time. Love you All!

Ukraine, Europe, Russia, and China - my Thoughts

  My home, Oklahoma City and the State Capitol Building and Oil Wells on the boulevard leading up to the Capitol Building        After wat...