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Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Update for Short in Height, Tall in Courage



     Hello. While waiting to hear from publishers, I try not to worry or create additional stress by second guessing my writing which is always inspired by God if my Spiritual ears have been focused. Jesus said in Luke 12:25, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?" It is difficult not to worry, but I try to practice it - to try and make it a rote habit.

     If God wants the book to be published, no person or event can stop it. If God does not want the book published, no person or event can accomplish that.

     I never set out to write this book. I set out to write a short story that stretched my skills and knowledge. The response was such that I wrote a follow-up story. The inspiration just kept coming, the story wouldn't let me go. Whether the book is a bestseller or not, I thoroughly enjoyed writing the book, and would gladly write a sequel. I write for God and the love of writing. Money and notoriety is way down on my list of wants. At the same time, I'm human and very competitive. I want success, but God's glory is foremost. At 72, I've experienced the ultra-highs and lows of life, but writing for God is an honor that dwarfs any monetary or social success I may experience. As our Lord taught while upon this earth, He continually teaches me. I will die with my boots on: writing and serving my Lord.

     As soon as I hear good or bad news, I will inform you.

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