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Monday, August 29, 2022

Who said, "Christians don't have a sense of humor?"


     With the pressure release from worry that comes when a person receives the hope of Christ, laughter naturally sweeps over them. The laughter is not at someone, but is at the relief from worry. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

It's Time to Advance



     Christians! It is time to advance. We have experienced many casualties and desertions. Churches are drained of their faithful. God's words are tossed aside and the subject of ridicule - at times by our own members. The faithful in many countries are persecuted even to their death. Those professing our Lord and savior Jesus Christ have been arrested, even in so-called civilized countries such as the U.S. and England. Our clergy and directors have given ground to this godless society that is pouring into the cracks and crevices of our faith. We join political parties who give us lip service to use the power of our faith for their acquisition of power. 
     Christians! Let the bold and powerful among us advance into the tumult of this satan-riddled world. Advance with the certainty and power of the Holy Spirit. We need nothing else. God supplies the power, the words, the wisdom, and the sanctification through His Holy Spirit. Let the less bold and powerful give prayer, encouragement, and physical support to our brethren wounded in the battles that are surely to come. For God! Love you all! 

Monday, August 8, 2022

With God...


 Mark 10:27 NIV

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God." 

Jesus always speaks with simple yet powerful words. He wants no person to misunderstand Him. His statement, "...all things are possible with God." means just that. There is no underlying maybe or I think. When Jesus, God, makes a statement, the statement is true. It doesn't matter that today we think God doesn't exist or that's impossible, the acts of God related in the Bible. It matters what God thinks, does, and relates to us though the Bible or any other form of communication. Have faith! I assure you that it will change your life. Love you all.


Friday, August 5, 2022

Be a Lighted Path to God's Love


      Yes, believers sometimes do silly things, God corrects us and shows us the better path, then puts us back on track. Non-believers - they don't have the Lord to show them the way, the truth, and the life. Yes, he has attempted to show them, but they don't want to listen, to learn, to prosper in the truth. 

     Compared to our God, we are mere babies. We need to be taught, directed, and coached in the right paths to walk. We must humble ourselves so that we may accept our Lord's teaching. So sad to watch the world go down this current suicidal path due to their worship of themselves and man's knowledge as the truth, the way, and the life. We must do what we can to convince them of the right path. No, approaching them with anger, sanctimonious, and conceited attitudes will only drive them farther away. Approach them as our Lord wishes for us to do - with love and forgiveness. The humbling approach turns hearts and minds, and that is what we're after. Be a lighted path to the love of God. Love you all!

Ukraine, Europe, Russia, and China - my Thoughts

  My home, Oklahoma City and the State Capitol Building and Oil Wells on the boulevard leading up to the Capitol Building        After wat...