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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

It's Time to Advance



     Christians! It is time to advance. We have experienced many casualties and desertions. Churches are drained of their faithful. God's words are tossed aside and the subject of ridicule - at times by our own members. The faithful in many countries are persecuted even to their death. Those professing our Lord and savior Jesus Christ have been arrested, even in so-called civilized countries such as the U.S. and England. Our clergy and directors have given ground to this godless society that is pouring into the cracks and crevices of our faith. We join political parties who give us lip service to use the power of our faith for their acquisition of power. 
     Christians! Let the bold and powerful among us advance into the tumult of this satan-riddled world. Advance with the certainty and power of the Holy Spirit. We need nothing else. God supplies the power, the words, the wisdom, and the sanctification through His Holy Spirit. Let the less bold and powerful give prayer, encouragement, and physical support to our brethren wounded in the battles that are surely to come. For God! Love you all! 

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