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Tuesday, March 28, 2023

God's Grace


     If - you, my brothers and sisters, do not believe in, seek, nor trust God's divine grace, you must begin the quest for belief and trust very soon. The time of God's judgement is upon us. We see the Christian moral foundations that we fall back on for security and comfort being stolen before our very eyes. They are not stolen due to a majority disbelieving. They are being stolen from the lack of understanding and action of good men and women. Not only that, but they do not appreciate the implications and the consequences of this thievery.

     Jesus' death and resurrection put a seal on the set of morals that God presented to Moses and the Hebrews on Mount Sinai. Satan cannot break this seal, but God in his divine wisdom will make it a most interesting adventure for his faithful children. Also, He will demonstrate to the world what happens when you threaten his laws - his will. There will come God's divine judgement. 

     Our Lord could not have made it simpler to obtain God's grace. Take him up on his offer. We do not want to lose any of you, but we shall lose many of you to the world, to self-satisfaction and reliance on man. 

     You laugh at those who tell you about God. You will laugh all the way to hell, I assure you. We seek your belief and attention to this matter of seeking and trusting God's grace that has its proof all around and through us. We do this out of love. Take any Christian hand to save your soul before it is too late. Love you all!


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