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Friday, March 3, 2023

One of my favorite Christians


"Do what in your heart you feel is right, for you'll be criticized anyway." Eleanor Roosevelt. The photo is of a Pakistani Christian, Shabaz Bhatti. He is the only Christian Minister to ever serve in Pakistan's government. In 2011, he was assassinated for being a blasphemer of Muhammad. Can you imagine yourself as a Christian bravely speaking out against violent Islamic laws in a country such as Pakistan? This is for those who think being a Christian is tedious, outdated, and mere folklore. This is for Christians who fall asleep listening to the sermon on Sunday mornings. Openly practicing Christianity in many countries is not only dangerous but downright lethal. If you want action and adventure, become a Christian missionary in Afghanistan, North Korea, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Eritrea, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iran, or India. Then tell me the nodding qualities of Christianity - of serving our Lord. Our Lord is actively seeking volunteers in those countries. To current bookshelf Christians that go to church on Sunday, go home afterward, and put their Bible back on the bookshelf till the next Sunday, at least put a little more effort into your prayer life for the Christians in these countries as you sit in your safe-seats furnished by our Lord. You don't want to meet our Lord at death to have him say to you, as he said in Matthew 7:23, "...I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness."

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