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Sunday, July 30, 2023

Another test of Church obligations and its Constitutional rights

 Though many rarely realize it in this country, the Christian Church is under constant assault from individuals and governments. These people and government institutions seek to undermine the Church and its institution's rights under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.     During the Coronavirus outbreak, Grace Church, pastored by John MacArthur, in California, sought relief from the courts concerning the shutdown of their Church at a time when parishioners needed it most. The Church made a film about their struggle against the state of California and its Governor, Gavin Newsome.
    The legal opinion taken by Grace Church is that the state of California overstepped its authority and violated the First Amendment by threatening arrest and $1,000 per day fines for carrying out church services during the epidemic. To jog your memory, there were thousands of people rioting in the streets of California; burning and looting followed along with these protests. These riots (called peaceful protests by state and federal government officials) perpetrated by BLM during this Coronavirus period came with no threat of jail or fines.

This is the link to the official trailer for the film, The Essential Church.

Christians have an obligation to be informed about their Churches and their Christian Community. God didn't send his only son to die on that cross to give us his Grace so that we can go to church once in a blue moon, then place the Bible back on the bookshelf and never touch nor think about it again till the next time we decide, "We ought to go to church." 

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