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Friday, October 20, 2023

SHORT IN HEIGHT, TALL IN COURAGE CHAP 4 The Famous and the Intriguing Appear





Chapter 4

The Famous and the Intriguing Appear


     When Ben Robinson, CEO of The Christian Herald, an online monthly magazine, contacted me by phone about an interview, I was flabbergasted. I asked, "Why would an important man such as yourself care about a tiny and insignificant organization such as this?"

     Mr. Robinson laughed, "Mr. Jefferson, The Team is the talk of the Christian Community. The Team is bringing excitement to the younger generation about Christianity that has not been seen or felt in decades - maybe centuries. The under-20's are subscribing to our online news reports about your missions and organization in record numbers. People know all your team members as if they are family. Samuel, Mabior, and Chan are action heroes to the Christian youth. You tell me a convenient time and place to meet you and your Team, and I will be there. I am coming to South Sudan, Mr. Jefferson. The Lord demands it."

     And he came. When our God is involved, there is no stopping his will. It shall be done. We just hang on for the ride, or, as Deng puts it, "Just when you get full of yourself with God's gifts of personal glory, He knocks you down to size and takes you kicking and screaming like the spoiled child you are to your next assignment."

     As Mr. Robinson entered our large meeting room, The Team stood and erupted in applause and cheering while surrounding him. I'm always proud of The Team for their intrepid enthusiasm at whatever God throws at them.

     I was surprised to see Mr. Robinson speechless and almost overwhelmed by the reception of these tough-looking but kind-hearted men. Mabior usually gave the opening prayer, but he deferred this honor to Mr. Robinson.

     After the prayer, everyone seated themselves at our round meeting table. The Team was asked by Mr. Robinson to stand one at a time and introduce themselves. After introductions, Mr. Robinson spoke.

     He cleared his throat while looking over the room at the Team and their families. "I must say that I feel as though I'm in the presence of what I can only describe as one of the greatest  gatherings of servants of our Lord that have ever been assembled." The men were quiet and taken back by the comment. Most looked down humbly while fidgeting in their seats. These men are ordinarily restless when seated; they are men of action, not words. Taking compliments in a conceited manner is not in their DNA. Mr. Robinson seemed to sense this.

     "Gentlemen, may I refer to you as "The Team?" Everyone nodded and squirmed. "I'm curious, what made you want to join together for such dangerous missions for the sake of our Lord and work for Mr. Jefferson?"

     The men looked around at one another shyly. I interjected, "Men, you can talk openly to Mr. Robinson, being that he is one of our inner-circle. I motioned to Mabior to take speak for The Team.

     Outside The Team, few know how eloquent an orator Mabior is. "We all have the tragic stories that motivate us. As military men, each of us must address the issue of revenge as a motivation. As Christians, there should be no conflict for revenge and justice come under the divine authority of our Lord. Mr. Jefferson explained to each of us that as our families who were brutally massacred had served God in peace and love, so shall we. Mr. Jefferson allowed us the opportunity to give meaning to our lives. We turned our past tragedies into strengths. It was a difficult path for us, but we have been transformed by God's grace."

     Mr. Robinson threw two questions at Mabior. "First question, As a Christian, How did you tackle the moral question of taking a person's life? The second, if God is your boss, why make an individual the leader over The Team?"

    "It has been revealed to us, through fasting and prayer, that there are times when God asks his servants to take on the responsibility of aiding his disciples serving in perilous situations and places. In doing this, we may be faced with taking another's life. To us, life is sacred. We take life only when there are no other options available to us. The second question of leadership. As far as one man acting as the supreme leader of The Team, it can only be our Lord, Jesus Christ. James and Mark taught us that we are all leaders under our Lord on The Team, and His ways will be our ways. We can work as a solitary unit if the need arises. We all are capable of taking over if one or many of us go down or become incapacitated. All organizations have a chain of command from greater to lesser. If James and Mark do not command by God's word, they have lost their commissions to command."

     Clearing his throat, Mabior continued, "I think it is important to understand how focused and dedicated we are, Mr. Robinson. Our unofficial motto should give you some insight. The motto is taken from the song, Impossible Dream: 'If necessary, we must march into hell for a heavenly cause.' We have marched into hell at times on our missions and will most likely do so again. We are not heroes nor superstars; we are servants. To be true to our purpose, we must project the image of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ."

     While Mr. Robinson digested Mabior's speech, Samuel inserted this question, "Which would be more exciting, inspirational, and empowering, Mr. Robinson, to work for a man and worldly treasures or to serve the God that created all things, times, and places?" The Team stood up and began to jump up and down, praising God. I was taken up in the spirit of their words and actions. I noticed the proceedings had a mutual effect on Mr. Robinson. We two middle-aged men unabashedly jumped and shouted along with everyone else. Such was the excitement that flowed through The Team from the Holy Spirit infecting those around them.

     It took several minutes for The Team and those others in attendance to regain composure. In the aftermath, I walked up to Mr. Robinson to try to explain what he had been a witness to, "Only God can motivate people to this degree. We are so blessed by his hand upon our Team and our missions. It is impossible to hold the power of the Holy Spirit back."

     Mr. Robinson just smiled and replied, "I feel that power too, James, especially while surrounded by The Team. We are going to use the power of this come-to-Jesus moment to introduce The Team to the world, and they are going to love it just as I love it. When one experiences what I have experienced here today, you know that God is on the move. How many lessons and thousands of years does it take for mankind to learn that God is - period?"

     After the melee, Chan made his way through the wild crowd to Mr. Robinson, then waited patiently and politely for us to finish. He had a sparkle in his eye as he asked, "Isn't he just the best?"

     Mr. Robinson quizzically asked back, "Who would that be, Chan?"

     "That would be Little Brother. That little man is so full of dynamite for the Lord that he could blow up the entire world! He knows no fear, for the Lord is firmly around and within him."

     Mr. Robinson put his arm around Chan's shoulder, pulled him close, and said, "Chan, before the meeting, Samuel said something nearly identical about you and Mabior, 'my big brothers,' as he refers to you two."

     The intense emotions in the room had allowed a man to enter unnoticed. As I became aware of him, he was dusting off his clothes. His appearance was that of a traveler that had been on a long journey. He wore an expression of pleasure on his face while taking in the chaotic scene before him. Making my way to him, he tuned in on me with a look and an extended hand that said, he knows me. But I didn't know him.

     "James Jefferson, can I help you, sir?"

     He smiled, cleared his throat, and replied to my question, "Mr. Jefferson,' in a definite Russian accent, "excuse my interfering in your grand celebration, but I have received an invitation to be here by one of your associates. I have gone through an immense amount of effort to obtain my government's approval to attend this -" he grabbed my shirt, pulled my ear toward his mouth, and whispered the following two words, "American event." He let go of my shirt and smiled, showing all his teeth. That's the moment that I got it. I realized who this man was and had worked out that he was here by Samuel's invitation.

     In the excitement, I had forgotten to ask his name, "Forgive my rudeness, what is your name, friend?"

     leaning his head back to show pride in his name, "Alexei Fedorov, Russian KGB, but Christian first and foremost."

     The info took me back, but managed a reply, "I am honored by your presence, Mr. Fedorov, and think everyone here will be in total agreement."

     I turned to walk away but quickly turned back to add something, "By the way, Mr. Fedorov, it is not an American event, my brother, it is a Christian event, and you are very welcome." I threw my arms around him just as Mr. Robinson noticed the man and began to make his way toward us. I introduced the two to one another.

     The Russian told Mr. Robinson in a voice that lent itself to recognizing a celebrity, "Sir, it is my pleasure alone to be introduced to a man beloved among the Christians in my country."

     As the two talked, I gathered everybody's attention to tell them,  "I take great pleasure in introducing a man that exhibited great courage in helping the Moses Mission to a successful conclusion. Of course, this man has been like a phantom to everyone except Samuel. I present Alexei Fedorov, the Russian agent who gave Samuel the gate opener gift."

     Previously rowdy, now, a complete silence swept over the room. Standing around gawking at Alexei was their new focus. It was as though I had just introduced everyone to Jesus Christ in person. Samuel let out a loud whoop and made his way to Alexei. They shook hands, then both embraced, telling one another, "Thank God for you, my brother in Christ."

     The Team lined up, and one at a time, they shook hands with Alexei and blessed him with a sincerity that only the Christian community can. The room was overcome with a reverent atmosphere. As most people do, the Team had a sincere respect for courage.

     After the blessings were completed, Alexei took a slow and studied look around the room as he took one of Samuel's hands in his. His tone was very warm, "My friends, my Christian brothers, thank you for your gracious welcome and blessings. I was not sure what kind of reception I would receive today. I and most others of my Christian countrymen have longed for a peaceful relationship with all of the world. I would like to pray with you that this may be the beginning of that peaceful relationship." All joined hands, lowered to their knees, and prayed.

     The next day, as Mr. Robinson gathered his luggage for The Team to place into the waiting vehicles for the trip to the airport, Mr. Robinson took me aside. "James, the world is in a mess - as usual. As Christians, we understand that there has never been any greater need for God and the love and grace He offers. We need every story we can get like that of The Team. The spirit tells me that you will see more and tougher missions after the world sees what the Team is doing here in South Sudan. As a member of our secret organization, I wasn't sure what I would find when I came here. I thought it might be mainly hype, but The Team has impressed me. This small country, backward as it appears on the surface, produces such great and courageous servants of our Lord. I know now that there is hope through our Lord. It amazes me how our Lord consistently takes down and out men and transforms them into men of strong faith capable of the impossible. God Bless you and The Team, my friend. As Christians, we all do our duty for our Lord, and it is rarely a cakewalk. But - there is no greater honor than to be called on to serve our God, as you and I are well aware. I have been nothing short of astounded by The Team and blessed to have had the privilege of meeting and getting to know them, individually and as a whole. Farewell."

     And the world did come to know The Team, and the missions did become more demanding. We didn't realize it at the time, but, sadly, some of the familiar faces would be taken by the Lord within the coming months of service. Being a Christian rarely brings material riches and a congenial life if practiced with faith. That life involves serving, and, as we know, serving can be perilous at times. However, dangerous service is what these men signed up for. What an honor God has given me to serve with these courageous Christians.        


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