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Friday, December 8, 2023

Chapter 11 Samuel and Leah Walk into the Light




Chapter 11

Samuel and Leah Walk Into the Light



     The memory of Samuel and Leah coming to me for permission to date will stay with me, forever. It was so "Samuelish" and so "un-Leah."

     This is my recollection of the grand event. Sitting at my desk working on requests to resupply ammunition expended during the last mission, I heard the ghost-squeak of the main entrance door. Shortly after, there came excited whispering and the hushed pattering of boots. I stood up and peered out the big office window into the lobby. The sight of Thon and Alek skittering through the darkness of the hallway leading to the meeting room said to me, "They're up to something." As I stepped out of my office, walking toward the hallway, the main entrance door flew open beside me. I was nearly trampled by the rest of The Team. Before I could ask questions, they disappeared into the dark hallway with the first two culprits.

     Once again, in my journey toward the intruders, I was caught off guard by Mrs. Akech flying by me. Without so much as a hi or bye, she disappeared into that hallway. As I was about to scream, "What is going on?" The ghost door interrupted me again. In walked Fred, our barista. I gave up. My finger went to my lips to shush him, and I pointed to the hallway. I then stood with hands-on-hips, waiting for the next person. Sure enough, Alexei Fedorov, our KGB buddy, came through the door. I pointed to the hallway that was becoming quite crowded. That's it. There can't be anymore. Then, I was delivered a real shock. Through the main door walked, actually, flew Mr. and Mrs. Iverson. I thrust my hand out to welcome them but was rejected by Mrs. Iverson shushing me. I had been trained to nod and point to the hallway by now. Waiting expectantly for a few minutes with nobody else making an appearance, I then walked toward the hallway. However, I was stopped by a multitude of whispering voices rejecting my move and saying, "Go to your office and act like you haven't got a clue what's going on when they walk in."

     I wanted to reply, "Did you ever stop to think that maybe I really don't have a clue? Which, I don't." Instead, I just walked dutifully to my office, resuming my paperwork, waiting on what or for whom.

     By now, I was numb to surprise when in walks Artie, Giff, and those four Mossad boys that we can't know their names. Those hallway voices directed them to the darkness. Now, this was really starting to attack my curiosity. Who is going to show up next, the Pope? Not quite. In walks Harry and Lachlan. That hallway has to be packed by now. If this was the 1930s and the hallway was a phone booth, I would have paid little attention.

     About five minutes passed. In walked Samuel and Leah through the main door. Samuel was in a suit, and Leah was immaculately attired in a dress with a corsage. I had never seen either of them dressed-to-kill. I was very impressed. I guess I had never really pictured them together before. She had her arm through Samuel's. Leah had a slight height advantage over Samuel, but they are a striking couple overall. What am I thinking? They're a couple! Sounds so strange.

     The charming couple walked into my office. I stood up to greet them. Samuel asked, "Can we take a few moments of your precious time to discuss some important business, Chief?"

     I directed them to the couches with, "Of course, you can. My office is always open to anyone with personal matters. I assume it's personal?"

     Samuel turned to Leah. Both giggled as Samuel replied, "Yes, very personal."

     We all sat down. Samuel began, "Chief, Leah and I have been friends for some time, as you know."

     My reply was the old reliable shrug of the shoulders. That was my favorite reaction and reply to uncomfortable questions.

     He continued, "As you are my superior and one who has had a tremendous influence on both of our lives, you have earned our respect by your leadership and life examples. Because you have never married, nor do you have any children, we want you to know that you are a kind of father figure to both of us."

     Thinking to myself, "Father? Gee, thanks, Samuel. Do I look and act that old?"

     Back to Samuel, "In that light and after much discussion and thought, Chief, Leah and I have come to you to ask your permission to begin dating. We have considered all the pros and cons of such a relationship, but the pros outweigh the cons. We are both devout in our faiths. In our lives, God comes first, family second, country third, and relationships come as there is time and space in our priorities. So, what is your opinion?"

     I just sat there for what seemed like an eternity, thinking. Finally, I snapped out of my trance with this, "First, I am honored by your words considering me in your decision to - uh - date. I think the world of both of you two. I respect your skills and professionalism. There are few people that I have ever encountered with such a high level of combat skills. Many times I have trusted my life and that of The Team to you both without hesitation."

   My thoughts gathered, I continued, "As far as approving a romantic situation, The questions I would normally have are about the differences in your upbringing, current home locations, and religions. However, knowing you two and having told me that you considered many factors, I have total faith in your decision as well-thought-out. So, I have no objections. All The Team and our associates are like family. Guess, my answer is charge - I mean yes."

     Samuel and Leah stood and hugged me mercilessly. Undoubtedly, I was red-faced.

     After the hugging part was mercifully over, Samuel took Leah's right hand in his while blurting out, "Chief, with your permission, I will kiss Miss Leah Abulafia."

     Not sure what or if I should answer, I stammered, "Well, sure, go right ahead. Don't mind me."

     Samuel kissed Leah as if he was unsure how to do it, but Leah responded identically. Nonetheless, once their lips found one another's, their passion for each other was undeniable.

     Meanwhile, I hadn't noticed the romance groupies from the hallway crowd flying toward the office door. They hit with the destructive force of an F5 tornado; Hugs, voices shouting, singing, slaps on the back, kisses for Leah, flowers being shoved into their arms. Oh, do not forget the drums, those Dinka drums that accompany everything devised by the South Sudanese. I felt like an old fuddy-duddy standing there with a half-frown. After throwing aside my stiff facade, I dove into the insanity before me, head first. Privately, I felt they were made for one another. Their many idiosyncrasies complemented one another.

     The party had only just begun. More locals flowed in with food enough to feed an army as time went on. Constantly, more drums were added to the already too many. But I was determined to let loose and celebrate the merging of two of the finest soldiers ever. To be accurate, it was a match made in heaven.

     During the night, and to my amazement, I watched General and Mrs. Iverson dance. They joined with The Team Dinkas in an old tribal dance to the raucous cheers of the enormous crowd.

     The highlight of the entire night was when Samuel and Leah climbed on top of the compound wall. The crowd inside and outside the compound encouraged them with their deafening cheering. I was among them. The atmosphere was electric. Holding Leah's hand with his right, Samuel held his left hand up to quiet the crowd. He recited Matthew 5-7, the Sermon On the Mount. Strange to some, but not to his fellow Team members. I'm sure Jesus delivered it more powerfully than Samuel, but it brought a complete silence over the rowdy crowd. "Now, when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them.

     Blessed are the poor in spirit,

        for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

     Blessed are those who mourn,

        for they will be comforted.

     Blessed are the meek,

        for they will inherit the earth.

     Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

        for they will be filled.

     Blessed are the merciful,

        for they will be shown mercy.

     Blessed are the pure in heart,

        for they will see God.

     Blessed are the peacemakers,

        for they will be called children of God.

     Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,

        for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

     The crowd and I were mesmerized by Jesus' words, just as I'm sure they were over 2,000 years ago on that mountainside. You could feel Samuel's absolute faith in each and every word he recited from Jesus. I noticed Leah staring at him with an expression like I imagined someone wearing when hearing a prophet. Her mouth fell open and stayed there, along with mine and most others in attendance. I don't think I moved a muscle for the entire recitation.

     It was absolutely breathtaking. The scene and feeling made me think of Jesus answering satan in Matthew 4:4, Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" And so Samuel demonstrated that night the importance of the word of God in our lives.

      God indeed sat watching with pride in the devout coupling only He could have arranged through so many unnoticeable coincidences. I just prayed that they would be able to solve the Christian-Jewish dilemma. Knowing Samuel and Leah, they had already come up with a solution. Romeo and Juliet couldn't have had a worse quandary hovering over them than these two.

     I hadn't come across Mabior all night until I caught sight of him working his way slowly through the crowd in my direction. Shouting to one another, we came together and made our way to the crowd's periphery. Mabior leaned against the compound wall, commenting, "I think those two are a perfect match, but to lose their presence on and around The Team would be catastrophic. We must keep a close eye on their future plans."

     Responding, I said, "I totally agree, but I'm their father. They'll ask me before considering any marriage plans."

     Perplexed, Mabior asked, "What do you mean, you're their father?"

     Chuckling, I answered, "I'll explain it someday. Let's just say that I have inside info that the pair will come to me before marrying. Besides, you guys always seem to see their romantic intentions long before I do."

     Giving me the squint-eye, Mabior remarked, "You really didn't know, did you, Chief?"

     I just elbowed him and laughed.

     After a two-day celebration of the start of dating, the entire team was a no-show for two days. They had earned it. What on God's earth would the actual engagement and marriage celebrations be like? I suppose the  South Sudanese people and Christians worldwide needed something to celebrate. I'm just not sure what the Jewish community's thinking will be on this.

     Walking up to The Coffee Shack two days later, I saw Mabior and Samuel already there. After grabbing my coffee, I sat down to an earful of things that I really didn't want to hear. The two were discussing future wedding plans and problems. Immediately, Mabior jerked me into the discussion as if this old single-guy had an opinion he wanted to share. "Chief, Samuel and Leah's parents love them both but don't think the marriage will work due to the differences in beliefs."

     Samuel interjected, "But the same God."

     Sipping my hot, dark, and delicious coffee with a deafening slurping noise to drown out their words, they kept it up until I had to say something, "I agree," back to slurping.

     Samuel bent over toward me, inquiring, "Agree with what?"

     Failure, I put the coffee down and looked at both of them, "You guys! Why do you submit me to this? You know I've never been married. I know nothing about it or its problems and don't want to know anything."

     That fired Samuel up, "Chief! You're the one that sanctified our dating. You have to take our side. You are going to be the Godfather of our future children."

     Mabior shot a glare at me with his one-eyed squint that said, "So, that's what 'I'm their Father' meant.'"

     "Samuel, I think the two of you are meant for each other, but someone is going to be forced into making a decision. That decision is going to light a fire under one of your families."

     Samuel clenched his teeth and said, "We agreed; she will become a Christian because Jesus is the messiah that someday the Jews will all accept. Christianity is the fulfillment of the old testament, the Torah. Her parents will accept it after I have shown everything to them in a much clearer light."

     "Samuel, as your superior, those are famous last words. Boy, did Fred roast the coffee differently? This tastes like heaven itself. Don't you agree, Mabior?"

     Mabior just glared at me over his coffee cup, "You shouldn't keep a thing like that, Father business, from me."

     With fire in his eyes, Samuel remarked, "At first, their daughter dating and marrying me will be difficult for them in light of their faith, but we worship and have absolute confidence in the one and only true God, Elohim, the God of Israel. I assure you, they will come to accept our Lord Jesus Christ as their messiah and savior. I will not pressure them to convert. My command is to be a living, loving example of Jesus Christ to be a genuine influence.

     "Samuel, I don't mean to seem unsympathetic, but my track record with romantic relationships is not good. I don't like to bore others with my tear-tales, but common sense says prepare yourself for a battle."

     Samuel and Mabior gave me their I'm-sorry-for-you face that I don't like from anyone, then Samuel said,  "Chief, we're all brothers here. You need to get it off your chest, Please."

      Reluctantly, I began, "Okay, you asked for it. At one time, I had seriously considered marriage. Actually, I was engaged to someone I knew in high school for two years. It was a very unhealthy relationship. We argued constantly. To add fuel to the fire, I accepted an appointment to West Point. Upon graduation, I chose foreign deployment. That choice was influenced by the opportunity to get away from her and her marriage demands. After my first deployment, my brother met me at the airport. His welcome-home news was telling me, 'JJ, she eloped with some guy she met at the airport after seeing you off. Mom, Dad, and I didn't have the heart to tell you while you were off fighting for our country. It took every bit of courage to tell you now.'"

     "I told my brother that I knew something was up when the letters dried up, but wish he had told me, then I could have enjoyed life more. Oh, I dated other women. Some were very nice, and we shared many commonalities. However, I had been single so long that I just never called them again."

     Their reply to my story was sympathy covered in, "We're going to find him a mate." I looked them both in the eye, lecturing them, "My singleness is my business and my business alone. Not you or anyone else will change my mind, so don't try. Am I understood, gentlemen?"

     Mabior turned to Samuel, "What do those commands say to you, Little Brother?"

     Samuel replied, "Those commands say to me that our Chief, deep down, wants the warmth and sanctity of a home with a loving wife, Big Brother. He needs to be assured and to experience that not all women are like the one that left him standing."

     At having my authority and commands disrespected, I let them have it, "You two bring any women around for me to meet and date, and I'll throw both of you off The Team! I do not like pulling rank like this, but this is my personal business. Is that understood?"

     Mabior stood up, saying, "Chief, when you formed The Team, God took your personal business and made it ours, and ours yours."

     Samuel stood and said, "If we ever bring forward women for you to meet, I assure you that they will not be of the same genre as that old girlfriend. And I know you will treat them with the respect they deserve."

     Exasperated and knowing the formidable opposition, I walked back to the compound with my brothers in Christ. I knew full well what the future held.

     Two weeks later, Samuel asked me to meet him at Fred's Coffee Shack with Mabior. He wanted to go over some personal items with us.

     All three of us sat slurping coffee like men avoiding the subject, and we were. I assumed Samuel would tell us that he was leaving The Team to marry Leah and have lots of kids. I didn't have ill feelings for this extraordinary man that had become such an integral piece of The Team. Nobody was indispensable, but Samuel came close. Mabior and I had never been able to figure out what to offer Samuel as an inducement for him to stay. He was totally incorruptible. The two of us approached the meeting scared of losing Samuel. He was not just a vital team member but a cherished companion. A person that regularly performed what most would call miracles. There was no doubt that he loved God, and God loved him. There we sat, the three of us, with coffee cups keeping the inevitable words from escaping our mouths.

     Samuel broke the ice with, "Chief, to be frank, and Leah agrees fully with my decision as I do with hers, I cannot bring myself to leave The Team. God, through His loving grace, brought me here. Upon our marriage, Leah will stand down from Mossad. Both of us want a herd of children. Leah will operate as an advisor on an as-needed basis with Mossad. I hope you have not decided to replace me on The Team. It would devastate me to have to leave."

     Mabior and I reached over to Samuel to grab his hands. My counter was, "Samuel, you will always have a place on The Team. Each member is unique in their own way. Once you choose to serve God, then he chooses you. You are a chosen member of God's Team."

     Excitedly, Mabior said, "Little Brother, how can we march into hell for a heavenly cause without you? You have taught us to solidify our faith by leaning totally on God for everything. You have led us to a much stronger faith by your miraculous actions, deeds, and faith. We welcome your decision to stay with open arms. Yes, you are short in height but tall in courage."

     We walked back to the compound with much lighter hearts and thanked God for keeping Samuel with us. As a Christian team, we want to avoid the Hebrews' mistakes according to the Bible of turning from God. We did not want to be shifting from God only to cry out in times of distress to Him. Samuel was like a beacon constantly guiding us in the right direction. If we forgot, he gently reminded us that prayer and God's business always come before man's.



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