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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Sun Tzu's Book THE ART OF WAR


Not much is known about Sun Tzu, aside from his book THE ART OF WAR. Tzu is a Chinese General who lived during the Eastern Zhou Period in China, 771-256 BC. His book with its theories on how to engage in war revolutionized combat. I find his methods very common-sense methods of waging war that practices conservation of forces. Strategic retreat most likely came from his thinking, directly or indirectly. I introduce him into the conversation due to his book being required reading for The Team per the Chief. Evidently, Samuel had read this book as a young and insatiable reader. He practices Tzu's theorem, "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting...", time after time. The first time we see Samuel involved in a battle, he subdues the enemy by deception, not killing. He used his faith to find the courage to accomplish this act of not taking human lives to accomplish victory. Had Samuel been wounded or incapacitated, the battle would have gone south in a hurry. The non-violent approach is God's preferred method.

The book can be purchased at local bookstores, Walmart, Target, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc...for around $24 American Dollars. Or, you can go to your nearest library and check it out for free!

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