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Tuesday, July 9, 2024


 The Team purposely looks nothing like real soldiers on missions.

Chapter 3



     Mabior retreated to the tall brush to order cover fire from The Team and to find Samuel. Colonel Petrov's men had already opened an intense covering fire.
     I informed the Colonel that there would be no further helicopters for his men and The Team. I braced myself for his sharp comeback.
     "General Jefferson," Petrov took in a deep breath with those words, and continued, "Our Lord said in John 12:25, if I recall correctly, 'Anyone who loves their life will lose it,...' My men and I came here as Christians to help other Christians. There is not a man among us who loves their life."
     I smiled, saying, "Colonel Petrov, I and The Team are proud to serve with such devout and brave men as you and your men." We gave one another a brotherly hug to cement our Christian bond.
     At that, we noticed Mabior and Samuel approaching. Both were smiling like two children who were about to do something devious and indeed they and we were.
     Samuel ordered us to our knees in prayer before disclosing the plan for our exit from this ghastly land of the Zar demons. Zar is the name of the demon believed by locals to possess humans in North Africa. It's safe to include Al Shabaab on the Zar demon possession list. The drugs the terror group is given before confrontations with their enemies further instill this possession story in people's imagination due to the behaviors that are a direct result of taking these drugs.
     We four stood after prayers. Samuel was our focus.
     Mabior pushed Samuel's shoulder with his fist to hasten the revelation concerning his plan. Samuel's response was to go ear to ear with that ensnaring childlike smile of his.
     He began the pre-disclosure by wagging his shoulders back and forth. That signature action always evoked quiet laughter in those who knew him, "You know, when you're all-ears with our Lord, sometimes He says things that stun me. All of you know that when Peter's faith was full-on he walked on top of the water, but when that faith faltered, he began to sink. Chief, bring the men together at dark for a powerful over-the-top prayer session to fill everybody's faith tanks. This isn't walking past the neighborhood bully hoping he's asleep and doesn't notice you. This, gentlemen, is walking through over a thousand heavily armed Al Shabaab who have their eyes bulging wide open 24-7 from powerful drugs, and the game is on their home court," he strategically paused while staring into the eyes of each of us.
     "Now, here is what is revealed to me. Around midnight, all of us, The Team in the lead, will start to the west, single-file. Colonel, you know your men, how do you think they will respond to walking through an enemy, such as before us, and dependent on the strength of our faith? Crazy sounding to the devout, much less the non-devout."
     The question seemed to transform Petrov's face from intent concentration to a look showing relentless determination as he replied, "Mr. Samuel, I speak without doubt for my men and myself. Sir, we have lived and trained our entire lives for such a moment, for such an opportunity to serve our Lord. We came here with just such expectations." He snapped to attention and saluted smartly, "We are at our Lord's service, sir!"
     Samuel's eyes lit up as he told the Colonel, "I expected nothing less out of you and your men, Colonel Petrov."
     Scratching his head while scrunching his face, Samuel leaned into us, "We have probably six hours of tense walking with full loads of ammo and food. The tension will wear on us greatly. We must stay alert. As we make our way outside enemy lines, we will still be in Al-Shabaab-controlled territory. We'll pray about a place to get some much-needed rest. I'm preaching to the choir when I say to post sentries while we sleep. We will get perhaps three to four hours to rest and eat, and that may be optimistic. According to GPS, there are a total of twelve miles of enemy territory to cross before we cross into friendly Kenya. The Kenyan Border guards know we are coming, thanks to General Iverson. We're a small highly trained and motivated force against large and primitive forces. Yet, it is very little about numbers or training. It is mainly about faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. As He brought the Jews out of Egypt, He will bring us out of Somalia through our faith and love for him who is Lord of all."
     I asked the top question in my mind, "What path do we take?"
     With head turned heavenward, Samuel answered, "The Lord's!"
     I knew exactly what he meant, and so did the others. Through our faith, He would lead us through this treacherous land and into safety.
     All of us were elated and apprehensive about the risky journey ahead that night. Mabior and I had been through this similar scenario many times with Samuel leading the way. Still, it was strange that the Russians were so enlivened with this plan of relying on the prayers of a man they had little previous knowledge of, and our mysterious, yet all-powerful God, that asked so much of us based on a faith instilled by the Holy Spirit. Crazy as it seemed, the Russians were amazing portraits of faith and trust in that faith when the time came. Truly, we are not Americans, Brits, or Russians. We are Christians. Those hours of our passing through and out of Somalia were a miracle that made a deep impression on all of us battle-hardened and not easily impressed soldiers of many potentially lethal experiences.
     Near midnight, the men all gathered for the daunting night exercise. An edifying prayer session brought the troopers to a heightened level of faith as they began the journey single file as ordered with The Team leading and the Spetsnaz bringing up the rear half with no flanking outriders for scouting. It was an odd leadoff for such a dangerous mission, but when God is in charge, events take on a different modus operandi.
     The atmosphere was charged. Yes, the Russians were Spetsnaz, special forces, but had they ever set out on a mission with God, himself, as the General? They took to it like a duck to water.
     Thon, The Team's comedian, commented about our morale, "Observing our high level of morale reminds me of a quote by Benjamin Morrell, an American ship captain and explorer that I read about recently, 'Morale is when your hands and feet keep on working when your head says it can't be done.'"
     Everyone gave a loud hurrah for that quote. Our morale was on a God high. My Grandmother told me after I made a stupid joke at the wise age of ten years, "Humor is a sign of intelligence." Thon was intelligent. That was one of the mandatory parameters of their being selected.
     Mabior, in the lead and wearing night-vision goggles, encountered our first snoozing Shabaabites. The large group crept stealthily and confidently by him without disturbing his slumber. That soldier was a picket guard, meant to create early warning of enemies like us.
     As the night went on, Mabior and Samuel caught sight of increasing numbers of sleeping militants. Not a one so much as moved a muscle as our large military group crept furtively past. We could have disposed of them quietly without waking their comrades, but that was not our assigned mission from God. Too, had we assaulted them and escaped past, at some point, the alarm would have been raised all across the land. By God's method, we were buying time to reach the border before the alarm went out. The border meant the Kenyans would back us with their military, squaring the odds and firepower.
     Finally, the military signs of soldiers, weapons, and vehicles faded into a semblance of normal village life. My shoulders began to relax somewhat. Till then, I hadn't realized just how tense I had become. My hands were rigid from gripping my Scars Rifle so tightly. I noticed the other men as they were experiencing the same issues. Mine was compounded due to my age difference.
     I had been going up and down the line as was the Colonel as we went along to check on the men and offer any assistance we could. I was near the back with the Russian contingent when I Heard a commotion.
     Bringing down my night goggles, I tried to get sight of the cause as I walked quickly toward the sounds. Questioning the men as I went along, I determined it was a civilian encounter causing the confrontation.
     I came upon the Colonel, Mabior, and several of The Team involved in pinning two men on the ground, while Samuel questioned a very young Somali girl at the side.
     Having spoken with the girl in her native Somalian language, she was around twelve, maybe younger, Samuel turned to me, filling me in, "Chief, this girl was being raped by those two men over there. Her Father had sold her to them. I know what I would do, but what's your take, Chief?"
     "We need to give the men a few Somali Shillings and put the fear of God into them to leave the area. The girl, we can take her along with us to the Kenyan border, give her some money, then leave her at the mercy of the Kenyan authorities. We have little choice. And that is if she agrees. She may want to go back to her family."
     "I agree Chief. I'll let you know what she decides."
     Turning to Mabior, I enquired, "What's up?"
     "Chief, these men should be cut up and left for the vultures. But - as a Christian, I heard you tell Samuel to give them a few Shillings and put the fear of God into them."
     Patting Mabior on the back, I told him, "You have my permission to cut them up verbally."
     At that moment, I saw Garang and Chol fly by me at the speed of light. I thought, "What is going on? Is our plan breaking down? Gotta get this under control."
     Dok approached me with some info, "Chief, Garang and Chol were informed by the twins on scout while we were stopped that a man was spying on us from the bushes over there. He took off running when Ali and Kuol pointed toward him. The twins took off after him, too."
      "Thanks, Dok. Head that way and steer them toward me when they complete the capture."
     Halting the column like this can be dangerous in enemy territory. I watched Mabior bartering with the men over the girl's purchase. At the same time, I watched one of the Russians, think his name is Maksim, putting the fear of God into the two thugs. While the two were on their knees with hands zip-tied behind them, he slid his knife up each of their legs with the ominous emphasis that he wanted to castrate both. That got their attention. Mabior played his part in the scene in case the men didn't get the point by telling the men in Somali what Maksim wanted to do if he ever saw them again in this area. Later, Mabior assured me that what Maksim was threatening was Biblical, but only for the effect. After seeing how shaken and affected the little girl was, it was difficult not to carry out Maksim's threat, personally. There are times when these Islamic Sharia religious laws get to me.
     Dok came to me with news about Garang and Chol's captive.
     Dok said matter-of-factly, "Chief, the man in question is, shall we say, restrained, and Garang and Chol are escorting him to you." He ended with a smile, turned, and waited beside me.
     In a moment Garang and Chol appeared carrying a man whose hands and feet were zip tied to a tree limb. He hung precariously from the limb, swinging to and fro as they transported him to me. I smiled and asked the man in my best Somali, "Fast, aren't they?"
     Already in fear for his life, the man was dismayed at my brash comment that didn't seem to fit the circumstance as I intended.
     Keeping my smile, I got right up to the man's face, asking, "And how may we serve you this bright and cheery night? Would you prefer to be barbequed with potato salad and baked beans, or perhaps you would prefer to be served a la carte?"
     Garang and Chol could hardly hold the pole up they were laughing so hard. It was contagious and affected the entire group. The man on the pole, the two men on their knees, and, I suppose, the girl victim all thought we were crazy. We were - are! We were so tired from over 40 hours of non-stop tension and combat that we had lapsed into insanity. Samuel, the Russians, and all of The Team were laughing with tears streaming down their cheeks, bent over with guts hurting. I am not a comedian, but being exhausted, brought it out of me. I think everyone was laughing at me more than at my humor. Whatever, God knew we needed it, and some rest.
     At length, I asked the man his purpose for spying on us. His answer was untranslatable due to his stuttering. I think everyone began to take pity on the poor soul, and I asked the Flash Brothers, Garang and Chol, to lower him to the ground and remove his restraints.
     Deng and Shermake brought the man some water and energy bars for which he was very grateful. Shermake, being Somali, began to develop a kind relationship with the man. It turned out the man had been out to steal food for his starving family who were attempting to escape Somalia for Kenya or anywhere more hospitable than this hell on earth.
     Colonel Petrov grasped my arm pulling me to the side. "General, I think God created the diversion at this point so that we could offer aid to this future Christian and his family."
     God, through these Russians, was showing me that Christians are Christians the world over. "Colonel, take charge and lead the way, sir."
     As a united group, we trekked to where the man's family was tucked away in a group of small trees. There were six of them; five children and his wife. The children ranged in age from infant to eleven years of age. The men immediately handed out various rations and water.
     Diemba came to me with a request. "Chief, may I give this to the Father?"
     I looked at the large roll of money in his extended hand. All in American greenbacks. I asked how much there was in the roll.
     His response was 975 dollars. "Chief, I did not steal this money. Fadoul and I have been saving it since becoming Christians to give to help those less fortunate."
     "Diemba, that is so kind of you. First, we must get them across the border to safety and assess their situation, then we can make a more informed decision."
     Before Diemba could respond, Chad Shaw, Artie's son, who had been standing nearby listening, interjected, "Diemba, I'll match your giving."
     Mabior jumped in on the conversation with, "When everything is worked out, let me know, and I'll match everything."
     Diemba raised his hands to signal a halt and told everyone that he thought my idea of waiting for a further assessment would be the smart thing to do.
     I was pleased that all agreed. The line of givers was growing to include everybody, including all the Russians. I ordered everyone to line up with the family in the middle of the formation. The growing army moved out into the darkness with a renewed energy that helping others gives.
     We reached the Kenyan border shortly after sunrise. Sleeping children were being carried delicately by tough-looking Russians and The Team.
     Waiting anxiously with the Kenyan army border guards was General Iverson and the CIA Agent we referred to as Uncle Sam. The Kenyan guards, whom we thought might give us trouble in getting the family across, took the children from their protectors.
     General Iverson had buses waiting for our transport. In addition, he had a mobile kitchen there to feed all of us. The men wouldn't eat until the family was fed. In Charge of the Kenyans was a General who informed us that he and his government would take total responsibility for the care and settlement of the family.
     I wove my way through the crowd to talk with Colonel Petrov. "Colonel, it has been an extreme honor serving with you and your men. What are your plans from here?"
     "General Jefferson, I speak for all the hearts of my men when I say it has likewise been a great honor serving with The Team. They are all and more than their reputations. As for plans, I think deployment to Ukraine is in our future. It is not the desired plan, but inevitable with the situation and our training."
     "Colonel, mine and my men's hearts go out to you and your men. We are well aware of the situation in Ukraine. I will not prod you for a political opinion. It is not good for soldiers to delve deep into politics, or to express political opinions. May God bless you and your men. We will keep you in our prayers."
     "Thank you, General. You will be in our prayers as well for these terrorist groups are too well financed and morally supported in the region of North Africa in which The Team operates. Terrorist violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." He handed me a small leather-bound memo book. "General, this contains information to contact me and my unit anywhere and anytime. Keep it secure from all prying eyes. You may need it someday. Contact us, and we shall come. We need no explanations or preparation. God bless all of you and WCPN. Nobody can know we are a part of this. Our time here is at an end. I see my contact approaching. Goodbye for now."
     Colonel Petrov gathered his men and followed his contact into the night. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Mabior.
     "Chief, I overheard your conversation. There is a spiritual aura of mystery around the Colonel and his men. I wish we had room for them on The Team, but it cannot be. I just have a feeling we'll get together with them again."
     Samuel popped up seemingly out of nowhere, remarking, "I agree Mabior - I think it's a good bet that will happen."

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