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Sunday, August 22, 2021

Christian Soldiers

      Personally, I once roamed aimlessly through life until God furnished me with a road map to life. Here is the road map He gave to me: John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." He didn't say, This is just one of the many ways to the Father.

     Leah Abulafia, the Mossad agent working as the liaison to The Team and their missions. Russian KGB agents that are Christians. Somali converts. Boko Haram and Al Qaeda. Iranian Muslims. Faith that astounds even the devout. Lightning forays into the hinterlands, the back of beyond, to carry out attacks in different ways than is militarily acceptable. All these things and more are involved in this book about a group of men that only God could bring together in a cooperative agenda against the persecutors and murderers of  Christians and Jews. I am very excited about this book.

     These are the two main reasons that I write Christian articles, short stories, and books: To make a humble attempt at glorifying our Lord and there is no one more exciting than our God, with Him, anything is possible. 

      I hope you will have the opportunity to read this book and to see that a Christian soldier's life is not all violence, much of their life is about helping others whether friend or foe. 

Monday, August 16, 2021







     Christianity and Judaism are under attack around the world, and people are ignoring and abandoning their faith all across the United States. People in the inner sanctums are deeply concerned, while the muckrakers are having a field day celebrating the impending calamity. Few people realize nor are they concerned that civilization's moral foundation is at risk. Thankfully, God is in charge, not man. A group of godly men and women had an idea that some might consider demented, bringing the two ancient faiths of Judaism and Christianity together to give birth to an organization called the World Christian Peace Network, WCPN. Its board of directors is composed of devout and powerful men and women of many nationalities and races. Their commission was to create a light and covert military strike unit to hit targets hard and fast. The desired result is for the world to understand that the days of attacking and persecuting Christians and Jews without retribution, is over. The BOD spent many days in prayer to find the two men needed and qualified to lead the first of many teams that would operate in full view of the public eye.

     After many days and nights of soul searching and praying, a list of thousands was pared down to the two soldiers proven to have exhibited the highest ideals of leadership, experience, and, above all, faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. These two men would be responsible for choosing men that met these same standards. Also, the two leaders would choose the country and the exact area to operate from. It may seem odd at first glance, but the country chosen was South Sudan, and the first seventeen men chosen were all from the Dinka Tribe of that same country. These South Sudanese men were asked to dedicate their lives to God, with martyrdom an almost sure thing. Money was never a consideration, for glory and fame was only for God.

     Soon, a young man would enter the picture. He would instantly grab the hearts of all the team members, and they would grab his. This short man, like Paul in the Bible, became the final ingredient for the formation of this consummate group.  These men would become known as "The Team" to the world. The Team's fighting exploits would become legendary and bring great glory to our Lord. This band of "who-are-theys", the kind our God loves to give his most important jobs to, would become one of the forces God would empower to show the world, just as He had shown the Egyptians in Exodus, his divine power and glory that are only His. The coming battles would be many and some would be deadly, but The Team would never falter nor bow out. Even during combat, a zeal to carry out Christ's commission was never far from the minds of team members. At their lowest points, with victory in question, The Team looked to God, for they relied faithfully on Him for their strength, courage, and wisdom. Now, the story of The Team and the little man that had such a great influence on them as told by James "JJ" Jefferson, their leader.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


      Many times, everyday life distracts and takes you away from writing. I love solitude and quiet when writing. However, that is not always possible. You just wade through the noise, and continue. If you are truly devoted to and immersed in the subject, you will find a way. God will guide you when you write for him. There are no locked doors when writing for God. Tomorrow I have my second eye operation, on my right eye this time. I have thought about my options if I lose my eyesight. I will find a way to continue writing. It will not be easy, but I would like to be a glory to God, not a pain such as I have been so many times over my life. Pray for me, please. This is a small and unimportant battle, The real battle is the spiritual battle inside me and you. We will win it with God's help. The new book deals with this subject as an ongoing battle - which it is.     




Friday, August 6, 2021


     We've downplayed and stripped the "Good News" of  its glamour over the years, so, that it does not restrict our material lifestyles. When people in my generation, the baby boomers,  are informed that my new book is a Christian action-adventure book, they are a mixture of confused and disinterested. I suppose they want what they are accustomed to and comfortable with, A Christian theology textbook, a Christian romance, or maybe an apologetics book. They're not aware that this book is aimed at the 14 to 50 age group. I hate to say it, but the baby boomers are largely close-minded when it comes to Christianity and all the adventure and excitement potential within God's holy domain. This book contains a lot of action, adventure, Romance, heartbreak, and humor. Yes, the Bible and our Lord possess all those things. The Bible is filled with all those perks. Read it. If you do not equate Christianity with real life, then don't buy or read this book or the Bible, please. But if you are against those items, then maybe reading this book will draw you out of the quagmire of boring Christian practices. Get out there and risk something for our Lord, who risked so much and gave so much to us. Stand up and show the world the exciting and dangerous places Christianity can and will take someone. draw in the disciples as we are commanded.  Most of the main characters in this book have been beat down hard by life at some point. They have lost their entire immediate family to unspeakable violence in many cases, but our Lord has lifted them up for His glory to show the world that He is alive and cares about his sheep. He is indeed the "good Shepherd." 

     Quit hating Muslims or anyone else, and get out there and walk among them and show them the example our Lord Jesus Christ showed the world when he was here. Love them and bring them into His holy fold. Practice compassion. Practice giving without expectation of return. Love is the gift the Holy Spirit gives us to give that increases as you give it. Give, love, serve, give, love, serve... Serve others like your life depends on it, for it does. Save, save, save, and save some more. Are you afraid of feeling good? Are you afraid of being over-loved?  Are you afraid you may fail? I have never read anything in The Bible that said, "Don't try to save people if you think you might fail." Failure is the foundation of success.

Monday, August 2, 2021

 According to the latest counter-terrorism list concerning Africa that I have managed to obtain, there are 42 Islamic militant, militia groups there. That, my friend is a lot of terrorism possibilities. Africa is a very fertile breeding ground for political corruption and the open operation of terrorist groups that are nothing more than criminal gangs. This is the reason that I selected northern Africa as my subject focus for this book. Once you delve into its history and its current political and economic situations, you will find a total quagmire of near-failed states. We should all be concerned as Christians and as world citizens about the impact Africa can, has, and will have on us. From a Christian point-of-view, there are millions of starving people crying out for help there. From a world point-of-view, many of these people are already taking any risk necessary to reach the rich European countries and beyond. Their influx has the distinct possibility of destroying an entire countries socio-economic health. We must fight these terror organizations and political mess to give Africa a chance at building a healthy immune system. In the U.S., if you make more than $1,700 per year, you make more than 60% of the people in the world. But it is not just about money. It is about devout Christians using creative methods and ways to stop this modern-day madness.God is more powerful and able to help than any world government. We need to ask Him.

Ukraine, Europe, Russia, and China - my Thoughts

  My home, Oklahoma City and the State Capitol Building and Oil Wells on the boulevard leading up to the Capitol Building        After wat...