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Friday, August 6, 2021


     We've downplayed and stripped the "Good News" of  its glamour over the years, so, that it does not restrict our material lifestyles. When people in my generation, the baby boomers,  are informed that my new book is a Christian action-adventure book, they are a mixture of confused and disinterested. I suppose they want what they are accustomed to and comfortable with, A Christian theology textbook, a Christian romance, or maybe an apologetics book. They're not aware that this book is aimed at the 14 to 50 age group. I hate to say it, but the baby boomers are largely close-minded when it comes to Christianity and all the adventure and excitement potential within God's holy domain. This book contains a lot of action, adventure, Romance, heartbreak, and humor. Yes, the Bible and our Lord possess all those things. The Bible is filled with all those perks. Read it. If you do not equate Christianity with real life, then don't buy or read this book or the Bible, please. But if you are against those items, then maybe reading this book will draw you out of the quagmire of boring Christian practices. Get out there and risk something for our Lord, who risked so much and gave so much to us. Stand up and show the world the exciting and dangerous places Christianity can and will take someone. draw in the disciples as we are commanded.  Most of the main characters in this book have been beat down hard by life at some point. They have lost their entire immediate family to unspeakable violence in many cases, but our Lord has lifted them up for His glory to show the world that He is alive and cares about his sheep. He is indeed the "good Shepherd." 

     Quit hating Muslims or anyone else, and get out there and walk among them and show them the example our Lord Jesus Christ showed the world when he was here. Love them and bring them into His holy fold. Practice compassion. Practice giving without expectation of return. Love is the gift the Holy Spirit gives us to give that increases as you give it. Give, love, serve, give, love, serve... Serve others like your life depends on it, for it does. Save, save, save, and save some more. Are you afraid of feeling good? Are you afraid of being over-loved?  Are you afraid you may fail? I have never read anything in The Bible that said, "Don't try to save people if you think you might fail." Failure is the foundation of success.

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