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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

     This is one of the reasons behind my new book. Combining the power of Judaism and Christianity. If the Jewish people are God's chosen people, though I do not agree with all they do, they are God's chosen for His reason, His will. As a human being, I cannot see the entire picture of God's will, but I can see enough to recognize that it is His will that I see taking place before me. Both Christians and Jews worship the same God, the only true God.

     This is an article from The Christian Post online newspaper.  I checked out this hyperlink for safety, if you have concerns, type the address manually in the search box. 

     Jewish couple, a businessman and his Rabbi wife, donates 18 million dollars to mainly Christian doctors who travel to Africa to help with the much-needed healthcare there.

     Even though unconnected, I just had to add this quote from Israel's Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, "Israel is a beacon of democracy - despite being in the toughest neighborhood on earth." 




Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Do Not Mistake What This Book Is Really About


I think that I need to make sure that people understand something. This book has some violence, killing, anger, etc. However, throughout the entire Book there is Christian teaching. These men do not serve God for the ultimate purpose of killing nonbelievers, they serve God to glorify Him and his teachings. The Team is out to show the secular world that our God is powerful, but loving and forgiving. I try to demonstrate that the mission of The Team is the same as each of us as Christians; to bring disciples to our Lord, and to be a living, loving example of Jesus Christ. Even during the most intense and trying times in their lives. In reality, The Team's mission is no different than ours. If you expect The Team to be a unit of bloodthirsty killers avenging Christians that have been harmed, Then you are thinking just like the Jews concerning their Messiah at the time of Christ. God does not want to lose any of us. He wants all of us to have faith and ask to be saved. My intent is to make this book about Christian soldiers that attack with all the modern military weapons, but are constantly looking for ways to turn their enemies into brothers before, during, and after battles. The Team does this in some powerful ways.




Friday, September 17, 2021

Another "SNEAK PEEK" from Chapter 13


      Chapter 13

The Team's Chief speaking...

     Looking over at Mabior and Samuel, I instructed the WCPN Rep, "On second thought, no, don't hide our intentions to go to Nigeria. Put it up on billboards and put it on all forms of social media that The Team are going to Nigeria.  I want Abubakar Shekau and every Boko Haram member to know for sure that we, The Team, are coming for them. Tell the entire world if it pleases you that we are going to rescue those girls. Tell Boko Haram and anyone who will listen that the wrath of God is coming."


As you can see, it gets intense at times.

From the new book


by JE Newton



Friday, September 10, 2021

Christian Teamwork

 It has been a busy week for The Team. One of the main Characters, Mabior, has faced a huge challenge in Chapter 12. We find out just how mirrored in spirit Samuel and Mabior are. Mabior is a powerful quiet, while Samuel blows our Lord's trumpet loudly to announce the Good News. But they always wear the armor of His word, while looking like a living, loving example of our Lord. Paul tells us in Ephesians 5:15-16 NIV "Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." As a Christian writer, I have received the smirks and guffaws of the faithless, but several of those have turned into praises for our Lord, eventually. Being laughed at and rejected is a badge of honor. The weakest in spirit are ignored, the strongest in spirit are feared. Pray in joy for those who accept the Good News, Pray in anguish for those who reject it. The two members of The Team sent by the Chief to follow Mabior are not sent to take over, they are sent to let Mabior know that we are here if you falter. Good Christians do the same. We work as a team. We are there to help if one of us falter. God is always following us in case we falter, and need His help. Peace be with you. Quote from Chap 12,

"He speaks with insults, because that is what he is taught. We speak with love and truth, because that is what we are taught," Samuel speaking to Hosseini.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

SNEAK PEEK #2 - a small one - from somewhere in Chapter One "Who Is This Little Man?"


 From my new book, SHORT IN HEIGHT, TALL IN COURAGE Chapter One, Who Is This Little Man?

     "As I have indicated, we were all battle-hardened veterans, but day four was horrific. The prevailing wind was coming at us, carrying an ominous smell of Al Qaeda's savage handiwork. Our vehicles were parked a short distance from the village to make a stealthier approach on foot with weapons at the ready. As we entered, the sight before us was one of lifeless bodies that had been left just as they were massacred, in revolting positions. Many of the butchered bodies and their parts being unrecognizable as human." 



Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Self Promotion

     Self promotion is difficult for me. In my thinking, it is anti-Christian, but a necessary evil to promote my writings and books that are written strictly for the glorification of our Lord. Forgive me, but I must do these narcissistic things for promotion. I am humbled by God's inspiration for my writing. He guides me in my thinking and actions. In my high spirits, I at times will perform actions and say things that are counter to my Christian beliefs, but those are the exceptions and not the rule in my life. Please, spare me the cancelling ridicule when I do such stupid things, and forgive the sinful remains of my former self. Remember, I self promote for the glory of our Lord, not for me. Thank you.

     Now, to the book, SHORT IN HEIGHT, TALL IN COURAGE. This book is different than anything that I have written prior to this. As I began work on the second half of the book, yesterday, I have no doubts about it becoming a complete novel. It creates the gasps, education, laughter, sadness, cheering, and seriousness that I prayed for. In beginning chapter 11, I tell you that I have lost none of my enthusiasm, experienced no blocks, and have not put to the trash bin any previous chapters, other than minor editing. Editing is a constant item. I re-read chapters and paragraphs daily, while making corrections or additions to match with previous acts, for additional emphasis, or new insertions. In my estimation, this book has all the outward signs of God's inspiration and direction in the writing. I'm not implying that I'm chosen in God's eyes. I'm saying that I ask for God's inspiration, guidance, and wisdom daily in my writing. I have others that are reading the book as I go. I listen to their words. Staying true to our Lord is of the utmost importance. When God's inspiration stops, I shall stop. God's Blessings to all of you. 

   Are you a man if you cannot get on your knees for God?



Ukraine, Europe, Russia, and China - my Thoughts

  My home, Oklahoma City and the State Capitol Building and Oil Wells on the boulevard leading up to the Capitol Building        After wat...