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Monday, October 11, 2021

Listen to God!

      I was a little upset today. I was repairing a toilet and that stupid inanimate object would not do as I commanded. After I won a hard-fought battle, I began to wonder; does God ever get angry at us for not doing as he commands us? Of course, he does. Surely, he thinks as my earthly father did, "Do you think I tell you to do this just to hear my head rattle?" Only when I had children of my own, did I fully understand the meaning behind that. He meant that he has many more years of experience than I do and quit asking why every time he tells me to do something, so listen up, son. Same goes for God, listen up, son - and while you're at it, quit asking me why and quit talking to inanimate objects. It is the same thing people are doing in their worship of idols.

     I do all this griping and complaining about a simple repair as our brothers and sisters in prisons around the world are facing nothing but imprisonment, torture, and death just for their Christian beliefs. I must improve my vision.  

     I attempt, very poorly at times, to listen to God as I am writing. I write for God and for God alone. His glory is my goal, my satisfaction, my reward.

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