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Monday, November 22, 2021

      The Team is made up of devout and highly trained men. These men possess spiritual gifts that range from the physical all the way to the fathomless spiritual-realms. They were once broken men, victims of barbaric tragedies by militant religious groups that roam the backwaters of North Africa. This secret organization is a compact quick strike force built and organized by veteran special forces men that demand giving it all to God - even to death. You will see what genuine faith and service looks like and demands of a person. These men are as tough and well-trained as they come, but weep openly and pray on their knees with indifference to what others may think. The trials and tribulations that God has seemingly punished them with have actually transformed them into some of the most capable fighting men ever seen. 

     If you are a young man, let these men be one more strong influence on your life and ambitions. Perhaps you are middle-aged, let these men plant hope for the future of mankind in you. You may be in your golden years, such as I am, let these men be something to cheer for about our faith and its future. There have always been people men and women that have exemplified Christ just as these men do. It doesn't matter what position you are in life, military, baker, farmer, banker; it doesn't matter. You can be a living and loving example of Jesus Christ to those around you.

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