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Wednesday, December 1, 2021

God, The Greatest Coach of All Time

      From the moment we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and the God of Israel as our one and only God, He began to teach us how to win. Over time, we learn that as long as we keep our focus on our Lord, we cannot lose. We begin to realize that even though we are behind 50 points in the last three minutes, if we keep our focus on Him, we cannot and will not lose. 

     God is competitive on a scale unimaginable to us humans. He removes us from broken lives, then teaches us how to use that experience to help others in that situation. Our God makes winners of His faithful. He taught me early in life that success is built on the foundation of failures. At the lowest mental and spiritual point in my life, He commanded me to, "Get up. I'm the God of the living. I have work for you to do." I went from near dead to totally empowered by those words. True to His word, I have found myself busy working for him ever since. 

     The God of Israel knows that winning takes loyal and dedicated people with experiences relating to what and who they are playing against. As a great coach, He takes people with that experience and inspires greatness in them. Constantly, over the thousands of years that the Torah and Bible cover, God has taken unlikely people and thrown them into the toughest games in history. The result is that it was never a contest. Why? Because God is the greatest coach ever. He knows every minor detail about us and our lives. As well, He knows all the details about the opposition. Then there is the fact that He sends us into the game when we'll have the maximum impact: Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah, Joshua and Jericho, David and Goliath, Moses and Pharaoh, Paul and the Gentiles, and on and on. 

     Don't ask to be put in unless you are serious. When you ask, He's going to put you into the middle of a tough battle that He has no intention of losing. However, if you love action and adventure, please, ask Him. Be a winner, join God's team.



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