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Monday, December 13, 2021

God of Israel vs ???

      God has delivered on 95% of his promises so far. Why would we not believe that He will deliver on the other 5%? Lunacy is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. Time after time, the nations that have denied God have failed. Time after time, the nations that have followed and relied faithfully on God have succeeded. How much evidence do we need to know the one true God of Israel exists and loves us all? Many will always beat their heads against a rock rather than take the right path. Are they stubborn or stupid? You tell me. Either way, God loves them and doesn't want to lose them.

     If you have never heard of Camille Melki, my good friend in Lebanon, then get to know him and his important work for our Lord. Remember Heart for Lebanon in your prayers and giving. They are on the front lines of God's discipleship to bring those Muslims fleeing Syria's dictatorship and Iran's play toy to know the one true God. They show the Lord's kindness and gracious giving to those refugees. There is no arm twisting. God wins them with love and giving. God bless all those on God's front lines. Danger is always around them. The world must stand up to these horrible henchmen of Iran's government. Let us join Israel in defeating these heretics wherever they reside and thrive. For God!


1 comment:

  1. The Melki's and the Heart for Lebanon team are doing amazing things. I hope you will pray for and support their efforts.


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