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Thursday, February 10, 2022

The Book, Short in Height, Tall in Courage, Is Finished and Mailed.

      A long journey of great pleasure has ended with the completion of Short in Height, Tall in Courage, the Story of God's African Special Forces Unit. It is in the mail to some distant land far away, over which I have absolutely no control. It is in God's hands now, and who better to have it in their hands? Thank you for putting up with me so far. The really difficult parts are just beginning. I need all of your support. Read my blog, please. I dream big dreams because my God made me with big dreams, and nothing is impossible for my God. 

     Growing up and now, I believe that success is built on the foundation of failures. My father told me, "If a job applicant tells me he has never failed, he is one of two things: he is lazy and never attempted anything or he is a liar."

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