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Tuesday, March 28, 2023

God's Grace


     If - you, my brothers and sisters, do not believe in, seek, nor trust God's divine grace, you must begin the quest for belief and trust very soon. The time of God's judgement is upon us. We see the Christian moral foundations that we fall back on for security and comfort being stolen before our very eyes. They are not stolen due to a majority disbelieving. They are being stolen from the lack of understanding and action of good men and women. Not only that, but they do not appreciate the implications and the consequences of this thievery.

     Jesus' death and resurrection put a seal on the set of morals that God presented to Moses and the Hebrews on Mount Sinai. Satan cannot break this seal, but God in his divine wisdom will make it a most interesting adventure for his faithful children. Also, He will demonstrate to the world what happens when you threaten his laws - his will. There will come God's divine judgement. 

     Our Lord could not have made it simpler to obtain God's grace. Take him up on his offer. We do not want to lose any of you, but we shall lose many of you to the world, to self-satisfaction and reliance on man. 

     You laugh at those who tell you about God. You will laugh all the way to hell, I assure you. We seek your belief and attention to this matter of seeking and trusting God's grace that has its proof all around and through us. We do this out of love. Take any Christian hand to save your soul before it is too late. Love you all!


Saturday, March 25, 2023

SHORT IN HEIGHT, TALL IN COURAGE - The Foreward - to the future

 SHORT IN HEIGHT, TALL IN COURAGE The story of God's African Special Forces Unit authored by Jim Newton

The book's Foreword


     Christianity and Judaism are under attack, it's time to make a stand! But neglect is allowing decay to infect those realms of moral order with disorder. In reality, the energy and relevance of the two groups is slowly sifting away. Their outlook is bleak in the eyes of alarmists. Pagan insanity is crawling into America's once hallowed Christian institutions.  Europe's churches have long stood empty. Prayers of the faithful seem unanswered. Hope, one of the most formidable gifts of Christianity, is being slowly drained from the more fragile believers. Is our God to remain silent?

     Through all the defeatism, something powerful begins to manifest itself in the world. As it slowly builds and takes shape, the faithful begin to see the hand of God at work. He may not send our Messiah - yet, but he is going to send a group of heroes unseen since the early days of Christianity. Of all places, they will make their appearance in Africa. An Africa, according to society, that is populated by write-offs, inconsequentials.  Many Americans and Europeans have uninformed images of Africans as being tribal, backward, and ignorant. We shall soon see just how mistaken these people are.

     Modern society in first-world countries can be narcissistic and uninformed. We indulge ourselves by imagining that we are advanced. In reality, we are taking steps back when we absorb strange new beliefs that are a desert wasteland of supporting facts and contrary to proven truths. It is in our nature to sweep proven truths under the carpet when they make us uncomfortable with our foolish heathen views. We must stand together and refuse to let this insanity take over.   

     This novel intends to uncover the buried adventure, danger, and excitement that existed around and within Christianity and Judaism in the early days. To those who are acquainted with God, they would never accuse Him of instilling boredom and lethargy in His faithful. You will happily find a renewed sense of meaning and energy in your faith. My hope is that you choose to ask God to instill some added excitement and adventure in your journey of faith through this world. From experience, he will not refuse your request; hold on.

     In this novel, you will see Americans, Africans, Somalis, Iranians, Israelis, Russians, and many other nationalities working together under God's tutelage to show the world that the God of Israel is alive and involved. You will learn about a group of men and their parent organization who set aside their worldly lives to serve God. The characters in this book are not supermen, but their firm reliance on God with unyielding faith creates the impression of them as supermen.

     You may begin reading with the idea of Christianity and Judaism as drowning in tedious rituals, but will finish with the renewed insight of just how exciting and demanding service to God can be and should be. God loves on a level inconceivable to our human minds. Martyrdom is always lurking just around the corner. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Life isn't worth living till you have found something worth dying for." God's son found us worth dying for. Let's keep that option on our plate to honor His sacrifice.

    Most of us are aware that Christianity and Judaism are under attack worldwide. Daily, people ignore and abandon their faith across the United States and Europe. Most in the inner sanctums of Christianity and Judaism are deeply concerned.

    As attacks on Christians and Jews increase, the disparagers celebrate these godly organizations' approaching destruction. Few people realize, nor are they concerned, that civilization's moral foundation is at risk in this.

     Thankfully, God is in charge, not man. A group of godly and powerful men and women have developed an idea that some might consider unworkable. That idea is to ally the two ancient faiths of Judaism and Christianity to give birth to the World Christian Peace Network, WCPN. Its board of directors is composed of devout and powerful men and women of many nationalities and races. Their commission was to create a light and covert military strike unit to hit targets hard and fast. If this first was successful, there would be others. The desired result is for the world to understand that the days of attacking and persecuting Christians and Jews without retribution are over. The WCPN board of directors spent many days in prayer over the list of candidates compiled to take on the job of recruiting, training, and commanding the new unit.

     After those days and nights of soul-searching and praying, a list of thousands was pared down to the two soldiers proven to have exhibited the highest ideals of leadership, experience, and, above all, faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. These two men would be responsible for choosing men that met these same standards. Also, the two leaders would select the country and the exact area to operate from. It may seem odd at first glance, but the country chosen was South Sudan, and the first seventeen men picked were all from the Dinka Tribe of that same country. These South Sudanese men were asked to dedicate their lives to God, with martyrdom an almost sure thing. Money was never a consideration; glory and fame are only for God.

    Soon, a young man would enter the picture. He would instantly seize the hearts of all the team members, and they would do the same with his. Like Paul's addition in the Bible, this short man became the final ingredient in forming this consummate group.  These men would become known as "The Team" to the world. The Team's fighting exploits would become legendary and bring great glory to our Lord. This band of who-are-theys, the kind our God loves to give his most important jobs to, would become synonymous with devotion and service to God. He would empower them to exhibit to the world that divine power and glory are only His, just as He had done for the Hebrews in Exodus.

     The coming battles would be many, and some would be deadly, but The Team would never falter nor bow out. Even during combat, a zeal to carry out Christ's commission was never at the back of their minds. At their lowest points, with victory in question, The Team looked to God, for they relied faithfully on Him for their strength, courage, and wisdom. Here is the story of The Team and the little man that had such a significant spiritual influence on them, as told by James "JJ" Jefferson, their commander.




Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Christian Books



 Christian books should be written by Christians, not by people who covet the money to be made by professing a belief foreign to them. Christians may not always write award-winning books or New York Times bestsellers, but they more often than not write from their soul. Pick one up occasionally. You just might learn something beautiful or life-improving. Love you all!

Friday, March 3, 2023

One of my favorite Christians


"Do what in your heart you feel is right, for you'll be criticized anyway." Eleanor Roosevelt. The photo is of a Pakistani Christian, Shabaz Bhatti. He is the only Christian Minister to ever serve in Pakistan's government. In 2011, he was assassinated for being a blasphemer of Muhammad. Can you imagine yourself as a Christian bravely speaking out against violent Islamic laws in a country such as Pakistan? This is for those who think being a Christian is tedious, outdated, and mere folklore. This is for Christians who fall asleep listening to the sermon on Sunday mornings. Openly practicing Christianity in many countries is not only dangerous but downright lethal. If you want action and adventure, become a Christian missionary in Afghanistan, North Korea, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Eritrea, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iran, or India. Then tell me the nodding qualities of Christianity - of serving our Lord. Our Lord is actively seeking volunteers in those countries. To current bookshelf Christians that go to church on Sunday, go home afterward, and put their Bible back on the bookshelf till the next Sunday, at least put a little more effort into your prayer life for the Christians in these countries as you sit in your safe-seats furnished by our Lord. You don't want to meet our Lord at death to have him say to you, as he said in Matthew 7:23, "...I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness."

Ukraine, Europe, Russia, and China - my Thoughts

  My home, Oklahoma City and the State Capitol Building and Oil Wells on the boulevard leading up to the Capitol Building        After wat...