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Saturday, May 13, 2023

I love you all!


     I try to end all my Twitter and many of my blog posts with "I love you all!" Why? Because, even if my comment, article, or story is contrary to your beliefs or feelings, being a Christian, I still love you as a creation of my God. Never mistake my mission as hateful. Through Christ Jesus, to whom I am a slave, I have been shown his mercy. Therefore, I have taken upon my sinful self his set of morals. Through his example, we are to work at becoming a living-loving example of him, Jesus Christ, and we are to repent of our sins and to love and forgive even those who sin against us. Wow! That is a tough sounding assignment. When you consider the world and its easy set of morals, Jesus' set of morals look really tough. From experience, as you study and progress, the task becomes easier. Jesus tells you that you don't have to do it alone. He'll be right beside you the entire way if you pray/talk to him often for his strength and wisdom. The more time and distance you put between this world's influences and yourself, the more you see the truth that is his way, the only way.

      I am far from the perfection of my God, my Father, but I pray and receive hope through my faith, studies, and prayers that I will become more perfect like Him. There are times when I look and act nothing like Christ, but he always gently rebukes me while guiding me back onto the right path. As a slave to our Lord, his way can be tough many times, but he is a gentle and loving master. We do not always understand his ways, but, though a personal relationship with him, we trust in him that his ways are always good.

     Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "If you've got nothing worth dying for, your life is not worth living." Jesus Christ felt we were all worth dying for. There are many people in this world dying in his name due to deadly persecution around the world. Let's pray and be thankful for those faithful and brave souls that believed Jesus Christ was worth dying for. 

     Please, my brothers and sisters, try not to become offended so quickly by the opposing views you hear or read. As far as I'm concerned, try to keep in mind that my Christian ideas and beliefs may oppose yours in some manner, or you may perceive them as hateful, but opposition does not mean hate. I never purposely intend to be hateful, but I'm not perfect. Let me know if my words or actions seem hateful, but do it in a gentle manner. I will respond in the same way. I love you all!

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