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Wednesday, August 23, 2023

One of my favorite passages from my book

     Suddenly Mabior whispered, "Shadows to the right."

     The shadows were bent over as they made their way to the door. I could hear the sound of the locksmith tools as they noisily fiddled with the two-door locks. I stood there thinking, "Are these misfits the best you could muster to send against us? Finally, they were in. The door creaked loudly, causing the two men to hit one another in a Laurel and Hardy slapstick move. I'd had enough. I tapped Samuel beside me as our signal.

     Samuel yelled in Farci, "Get on the floor, now! We won't hesitate to kill you. Hands behind your back! Do you speak Hebrew?"

     I flicked on the lights.

     The two men began to shake at Samuel's shouted commands. The insurgents had their hands and feet shackled with bags placed on their heads in a smooth action. The lock-picker man, probably the leader, asked, "Are you Jews? We do not speak Hebrew, sir. Please, don't hurt us. We just came to burgle the place."

     Leah stepped in front of Samuel commanding the man, "Shut up! We Jews are in charge here. We will ask the questions!!" I could tell she delighted in saying those words, and I kind of delighted in them, myself.

     Samuel resumed, "Are you alone?"

     The lock-picker said nervously, "Yes, sir."

     Samuel asked, "Who sent you?"

     The lock-picker answered in a stammer, "Nobody, we are just common thieves, sir."

     Leah stepped in for good this time, yelling in Farsi, "No thief, common or otherwise, would attempt to burglarize such a place as this. Do you think we are idiots? We captured the other six comrades of yours. They are already giving us information." Leah bent down and turned the lock picker's head to make sure his ears were focused, "Yes, we are Jews. Does it bother you that you will be transported to Israel to have a long conversation with our Mossad burglary specialists? We Jews don't particularly like to be burgled. Especially if those burglars are Iranian military. Jewish and Persian friendships go back thousands of years. They are good people, but the tyrants who rule them are pure trash. Let's get them out of here. I'm sick of talking to these terrorists."



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