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Monday, August 28, 2023

Opening Lines for Short in Height, Tall in Courage


Thank you, Jeremy Sams for this beautiful artwork. One cannot create art such as this without God's inspiration and the spiritual gifts accompanying it.


     Note: a valuable lesson for those in this caustic culture. Do not judge what you see or read so critically. Just as in the last post on my blog here, you do not know the background for Leah's stinging display. As Christians, we must be a shining example of Jesus Christ in controlling ourselves, in order to show others the error of their rush to judgement. We must be a steadfast example of Jesus Christ to encourage and appeal to our youth that we are so in danger of losing our grip on. Love you all!

     I do not write for money or fame. I write to hopefully be a positive factor in our great commission from our Lord: to bring disciples to him. Furthermore, I focus on the youth because they are an endangered group of Christians. I seek to show the youth what attracted me to use such desperate and covert methods to get into the Vietnam War and, eventually, to write for our Father instead of fame and money. That attraction is the driving force to so many of our youth - excitement, adventure, and danger. I lived for those three items in my younger years, and, to a certain extent, now. God never disappointed me in my quest, while other man-made pieces of life left me despondent and bored. 

Opening lines of Short in Height, Tall in Courage the story of God's African Special Forces Unit


Chapter 1

Who Is This Little Man?


     The sound of the C-130's engines drowned out any voice not shouting. After what The Team had just experienced in Mogadishu, Somalia, nobody felt like talking anyway. All but one sat staring into nothing with a well-practiced stoicism, suppressing outward emotions. That one was Samuel, Little Brother, who sat with his Somali robe covering his entire body and sobbing quietly underneath. The Hercules leveled off at low altitude in an attempt to not be detected by prying radar beams that might be searching for us as we headed homeward to Yei, South Sudan.

     Laid carefully out between the two rows of The Team were two body bags filled with two of the finest men to ever live. Our casualty rate was much lower than expected due to the previous experience of the U.S. Army with Operation Gothic Serpent in '93, but still brought pain and suffering.

     Aboard the second C-130 were the rescued Nigerian school girls and one seriously wounded Muslim local who most likely gave his life to save Christian strangers. That plane was en route to Abuja, capital of Nigeria, for a reunion of hostages and families and a trauma center for the wounded Muslim.

     On this day, plutonium and hostages had been seized from the hands of Al Qaeda and a Russian working for Iran. Little did we realize at that time how our Somali Mission would impact the world. The news of this long and dangerous day would instill fear into terrorists around the world and hope into many Christian and Jewish people being persecuted by those terrorist organizations. A mission of this magnitude by a Christian military unit had previously been only a dream. Now, If the world didn't know before, this small but powerful quick-strike unit of who-are-theys are not myths or fake news. 



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